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英国历史,地理,政治,经济,教育,宗教 In history, Roma ns occupied Brita in for about years. 700B. 600 C. 500 D. 400 Which of the following tribes ? rst came to Britain? An glos. B. Sax ons. C. Jutes. D. Celts. The three great Germa nic tribes: the An glos, the and the Jutes, which invaded Britain, form the basis of the modern British people. Sax ons B. Scots C. Welsh D. Essex William won the Battle of Hastings. Later, on , he was crowned King of En gla nd. Easter Day B. St. Andre w s Day C. Christmas Day D. Boxing Day William, Duke of Norma ndy, is now known as . William the Co nfessor B. William Lio n-Heart C. the father of the British navy D. William the Conq ueror Because of the in 1066, a lot of French words en tered into the En glish vocabulary. A. Norma n Conq uest B. Crusades C. In vasi on of the Vikings D. Wars of the Roses The Wars of Roses are fought betwee n . A. France and Brita in B. En gla nd and Scotla nd C. En gla nd and Wales D. two bran ches of the En glish royal family During the reig n of , En gla nd was separated from the Roma n Empire religiously. A. He nry VII B. He nry VIIIC. Elizabeth I D. James II The lege nd of the Kni ghts of the Round Table is always associated with A. Alfred the Great B. Ki ng Arthur C. William the Con queror D. Ki ng Harold The Great Charter (Mag na Charter) was sig ned by in 1215. A. Ki ng He nry IIB. King Joh n C. Ki ng William D. Ki ng Richard of 1215 was regarded as the basis of the moder n En glish con stituti on. A. En closure Acts B. The Act of Union C. Magna Charter D. People s Charter During the 14th cen tury, an epidemic n amed spread over Europe and caused milli ons of deaths. A. Black Death B. MalariaC. Rift Valley FeverD. Scarlet Fever The Black Death, which ravaged England in the 14th century, carried off A. 3/4 of the population B. 1/4 of the population C. 1/5 of the population D. 1/2 of the population Brita in was once a (n) country for a short period of time in its history un der the lead of Oliver Cromwell. A. Democ


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