高二英语turandot in beijing课件.pptVIP

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;Unit 2;By the end of this class, we will be able to… 1.learn how to read a review of an opera. 2. Improve reading ability, especially skimming and scanning ability.;1. A review of an opera usually starts with some brief background information. 2.It goes on to talk about the story. 3.The review can give some other important information such as the actors’ names. 4. Finally a comment.It may include lots of words that describe feelings.;Go through the text as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the questions in part A. ;1.What is Turandot? ;2.What decision does Calaf make when he first sees Turandot?;3. What happens at the end of the story?;Please read after the tape and try to divide the text into four parts. Part 1(Para ) Part 2(Para ) Part 3(Para ) Part 4(Para );Lucky!;2. What kind of person is Turandot?;4.What has Turandot’s father promised her? He has promised to allow Turandot to choose her own husband. L15;5.What does Calaf say will happen if Turandot can guess his name by sunrise? She will not have to marry him, but can have him killed. L29;3. When was Turandot staged in Beijing? A. in 1924 B. in the twenty first century C. in the 1990s D. in 1998;* The performance was_________. (L3);events of Part C2 on page 20 ;The writer; 张艺谋,中国著名电影导演, “第五代导演”的代表人物之一,是北京奥运会开幕式、闭幕式总导演,获得过美国波士顿大学、耶鲁大学荣誉博士学位。其拍摄的电影多次获得国际电影节大奖,是目前中国大陆最具国际影响力的导演。; 祖宾·梅塔(Zubin Mehta,1936.04.29 - ),印度籍犹太人指挥家。身在乐坛40年,获得无数殊荣,如尼基什指环、维也纳爱乐乐团名誉指环、名誉团员、台拉维夫市名誉市民以及印度、意大利、法国颁授的勋衔等以及一大学授予的名誉音乐博士等。;Sharon Sweet ; Consolidation; The plot of the opera ;1. What do you think of the opera? Who do you like best, Turandot , Calaf or Liu? Why ? 2. Do you agree that music is an international language? Why or why not? ;1紫禁城 L2 2以...为背景 L6 3被处死 L17 4(向女方)求婚 L18 5不遵守承诺 L21 6不久 L22 7与某人坠入爱河 L22 8初次见面 L22 9雇佣、承担、呈现 L24;10三角恋爱 L25 11结婚 L29 12因...而训斥某人 L35 13在黎明期限来临之前 L38 14在故事的结尾 L39 15喜结良缘 L40 16死于心脏病 L41 17易


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