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PAGE / NUMPAGES 一.选择 (?? ?????) 1. There________?many flowers and trees in the garden.. A. are??? ??????? B. is??? ???????????? C. am? (?? ?????) 2. Are there________??books in the bedroom? A. any??? ????????? B. some???? ??????? C. a (?? ????) 3. Are there many students in his school???? ______?? ? A. No, there aren’t.?? B. No, they aren’t.? ??C. Yes, there are. (? ?????) 4. Is there a reading room in your school? ??????? ? A.? Yes, there’s.???B. Yes, it is.?????? ???????????????? C. No, there isn’t. (? ?? ???) 5.There aren’t?________pencils. Here are?_______ pencils for you. A: any, some?????B: some, any?????????????C、some , some (?? ???) 6. ______ there a computer room in the building? ??????????? A: Are?????????????? B: is ???????????????C: Is (?? ????) 7. There _______some juice in the cup. A、isn’t?????????? B、 aren’t?????????? C、are (?????? ) 8.There ________ any crayons on the desk. ?????????? A: isn’t????????????B: aren’t ????????? C: are 二、按要求改写句子,每空一词。 1. There is a panda in the zoo. (改写一般疑问句,并作否定回答) __________ _________ a __________in the zoo? _______, there ______. 2. There are some crayons on the table. (改否定句) There ___________ _____________ crayons on the table. 3. There are some footballs under the bed. (对划线部分提问) ____________ ______________? under the bed? 4. There is a pen on the desk. (对划线部分提问) ?____________ ______________ ___________ on the desk ? 5.There is a pen in the vase. (对划线部分提问)_______________ in the vase? 三.用适当形式填空,圈出关键词。 1)What’s under the bed? ________ a football. 2)What’s that under the bed? _________ a football. 3)What are these behind the door? _________ 3 umbrellas. 4)What’s behind the door? _________ 3 umbrellas. 5) What’s on the desk? _________? some apples. 6) What are those on the desk?__________ some apples. 7)How many _____________(study)are there in the building? 8)There ____________(be)some bread in the fridge. 四.连词成句(5分) 1.book, desk, on is, a, there, the? _______________


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