Section A 3-英语九年级全册.pptVIP

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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.;1. 我今天不想打篮球。 2. 她的爸爸和妈妈都不喜欢看足球。 3. 父母总是很担心我们的学习。;4. 学生们应该学好英语,  这很重要。 5. 一个星期后他会去北京。;The loud music makes me nervous. Soft and quiet music makes me relaxed. Money and fame don’t always make people happy. She said that the sad movie made her cry.;Dear Diary,  June 29th I thought today was going to be really bad. To start with,  it was cloudy and grey,  and cloudy days make me ________. ;And this was the day we would get our exam results back,  but I didn’t answer the exam questions very well last week. That made me _________. I walked to school with my best friend Holly. She didn’t say much to me. That made me a little ______. In class,  the teacher handed back our exams. That made me __________. ;But I found out that I didn’t do too badly. That made me very _______. Then things got even better. Holly bought me my favorite lemon juice and turkey sandwich for lunch,  and we talked a lot. That made me _________. ;How do these things make you feel? Write about your feelings.;pollution;heavy traffic;Always late for a class;loud music;Complete the survey. Then ask two other students.;A: What makes you angry? B: When people throw rubbish on the streets,  it makes me angry. C: Me,  too. It makes me want to tell them to clean up the streets.;完成句子。 1. 他父亲为了赚钱,  从早忙到晚。 His father is busy all day in order to ________. 2. 看足球赛使我疯狂。 ________________________________ 3. 轻柔的音乐使约翰昏昏欲睡。 The soft music ______ John _________. 4. 红色使人们吃得更快些。 The color red ______ people _______ faster. 5. 长时间等她使我生气了。 Waiting a long time for her ________. ;Complete the following sentences. 1. 他父亲为了赚钱,  从早忙到晚。 His father is busy all day in order to ___________. 2. 看足球赛使我疯狂。 ___________________________________.;3. 轻柔的音乐使约翰昏昏欲睡。 The soft music ______ John ______. 4. 红色使人们吃得更快些。 The color red ______ people ____ faster. 5. 长时间等她使我生气了。 Waiting a long time for her _________ ______.


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