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目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 引言 1 \o Current Document 一、 丽江市古城区金山乡乡村旅游发展背景 1 ㈠丽江市古城区金山乡概况 1 \o Current Document ㈡丽江市古城区金山乡乡村旅游发展现状分析 2 二、 影响丽江市古城区金山乡乡村旅游发展的因素分析 4 ㈠优势因素分析 4 \o Current Document ㈡劣势因素分析 7 \o Current Document 三、 丽江市古城区金山乡乡村旅游发展措施 10 ㈠对资源进行调查,制定切实可行的旅游规划 10 ㈡加强基础设施建设 10 ㈢加强环境保护和教育,促进乡村的可持续发展 11 ㈣开发特色旅游产品 11 ㈤政府、各村委会加强管理 13 的建立全民的共同参与意识,健全保护机制 14 (七)提高服务质量、完善旅游机构 15 结语 16 \o Current Document 参考文献 17 致谢 18 开发保护丽江市金山乡乡村旅游发展的措施和建议 摘 要:从丽江的探索和实践看,发展乡村旅游不仅丰富了旅游活动内容,扩 大了旅游容量。而且带动了农业产业结构调整和农民增收致富,促进农村经济社 会的发展。作为丽江的一个农业大乡,丽江市古城区金山乡拥有较好的生态环境 和特色农业,民族风情浓郁,景点众多,发展乡村旅游具有较大的开发前景。因 此 在丽江市全面建设小康社会的过程中,大力发展乡村旅游,将对解决“三农” 问题,促进社会主义新农村建设,发挥更加积极的作用,做出更大的贡献。本文 从金山乡乡村旅游资源条件出发,在此基础上,经过实地调查,本文拟提出关于 开发和保护金山乡乡村旅游发展的措施与建议。 关键词:金山乡乡村旅游旅游开发 关键词:金山乡 乡村旅游 旅游开发 LiJiang JinShanxiang oF Rural Tourism Development Abstract: in rural Jinshan measures and recommendations. Lijiang from the Key words Key words : JinShan Rural tourism tourism development exploration and practice, the development of rural tourism is not only a wealth of tourism activities, the expansion of the tourism capacity? And promote in dustrial structure adjustment of agriculture and in crease farmers get rich, and promote rural economic and social development. Lijiang as an agricultural town ship, the ancient city of Lijia ng City, rural Jin sha n District has a good ecological environment and agricultural characteristics, the rich ethnic customs, many attractions, the development of rural tourism have greater prospects for development. As a result, in the city of Lijiang, a well-off society in the process of vigorously developing rural tourism, will address the ”three ruralH issue, and promote the building of new socialist rural areas, play a more active role and make greater con tributi ons. This article from the Jin sha n Town ship rural tourism resources, on this basis, after-the-spot investigation, the paper on the proposed development and protection of rural tourism development 引言 乡村旅游,是指依托于乡村良好的


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