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模块 模块8 Unit 4 Films and film events Unit 4 Films and film events iT直召出点点二旨亦自諒 % 教材回顾追根求源要点盘查 温故知新 II核心单词II ?单词拼写 根据词义写出英文单词。 1. representative 门.代表 2?boycott vt.拒绝购买(或使用,参加),抵制 3?hatch vt.&vi.策划,(尤指)密谋;孵化,孵出 4?modest adj.不太大的,不太贵的,些许的;谦 虚的,谦逊的 5 . sincere adj.真诚的,诚挚的 6?criterion n.(评判的)标准,准则,原则 7?entry n.参赛作品;进入,加入;条目,词 条 n.(微弱的)优势;边缘;刀刃9 ? broad n.(微弱的)优势;边缘;刀刃 9 ? broad adj. 各种各样的 < 广泛的; 阔的; 概括的 ? overlook yf,忽略f未注意到;不予理会;俯视 ? deliberately adv.故意地 12?disappointment n.失望,沮丧;令人失望的人或事物 ? robbery n.抢劫 . congratulation n.祝贺 f 恭喜 15?preference n.偏爱,偏好 16 . tense adj.令人紧张的;神经紧张的;绷紧的 ,不松弛的 17 ? 17 ? restriction n.限制,约束 fierceadj.激烈的f fierce adj.激烈的f猛烈的; 凶狠的f凶猛的 ? zoom vl快速移动;急剧增长 . attraction n.吸引人的特征;有吸引力的地方;吸 引,吸引力 IL单词拓展 写出下列单词及其派生词。 1?finance vt.给 提供经费 n.财政f金融;资金 financial 2? tiring tiresome expose 3 露 exposal exposed adj.金融的;财务的 _ adj.讨厌的,令人厌烦的 adj.令人疲劳的 _ vt.使接触,使体验,使面临;暴露,显露,揭 n.暴露 adj.暴露的;无遮掩的 逐渐增加? accumulate et?& vL 积累 z 积聚; accumulation n.积累 逐渐增加 ? salty adj.咸的f含盐的 salt n.盐 6?contradict vt.&vi.反驳,驳斥;与 相矛盾,相 Contradictory thriller adj.相互矛盾的,对立的,不_致的 7 thrilled 门■惊险电影(或小说) resemble adj.感到兴奋的 Sresemblance v f.类似f看起来像 n.类似 1. lose one^s edge 2? view???as… 3? in defence of 4? regardless of 5? as long as 6 ? expose sb.to 7 . point out II高频短语II _失去某人的优势 _把……视为…… 辩护_防御,保卫,为 辩护 _不管;不顾 _只要 _使某人体验 指出 ? ? 10 have access to in the minority give thought to 使用;接近 占少数 考虑;想一想 11 . 12? give out show special favour 颁发 to 偏爱 13? be sensitive to 对??… “敏感 14? be aware of 意识到 15? show off 炫耀, 卖弄 16 ? have a tendency to 有做某事的倾向 语 境 填 词 Yesterday the spokesman (1) representing (代表)the Chinese government declared that China (2) boycotted (抵制)the agreement that would apply sanctions against Iran.He said the agreement (3) restricted (限制)the peoplet rights, (4) overlooked (忽视)the peoplet right demands and would intensify the (5) contradictions (对立)and make the situation more (6) tense (令人紧张的).In a word, the agreement was a (7) disappointment (失望)? II典型句式II 1. while作并列连词,意为“然而,可是” At


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