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贪睡有理-优秀人才平均睡眠 8 小时36分 贪睡有理 优秀人才平均睡眠8小时36分 Grow ing up in a hard-work ing Midwester n city in the 1980s, I quickly lear ned that sleep is the first expe nse I should cut in a give n day. The men I looked up to at a young age regularly boasted about running on just a few hours of sleep. While this was rooted in a good-natured work ethic, it led me to view n eed ing sleep as a sig n of weak ness. I con ti nue to see this percepti on in the workplace today, where it is con sidered a badge of honor to stay at the office late working on a project. 我生长在上世纪80年代美国中西部一个崇尚努力工作的城市中, _ — 我很快就认识到睡眠是我在一天中应该削减的第一样东西。 我小时候崇 — __J 拜的人经常夸耀自己每天只睡几个小时。 尽管这根源于一种良好的职业 _ 操守,但却使我认为对睡眠的需求是一种软弱的表现。 如今在职场中我 仍能看到有人持这样的观点。在办公室为一个项目工作到很晚被视为是 一种荣耀。 The problem is, one less hour of sleep is not equal to an extra hour of achievement. In many cases the opposite occurs. When you lose an hour of sleep, it decreases your well-be ing, productivity, health, and ability to thi nk the follow ing day. One of the most in flue ntial studies of huma n performa nee, con ducted by professor K. An ders Ericss on, found that top performers slept 8 hours and 36 minu tes per day. The average American, for comparison, gets just 6 hours and 51 minu tes of sleep on week ni ghts. 问题是,少睡一个小时并不等于多做出一个小时的成绩。 很多时候 _ _ _ 情况恰恰相反。少睡一个小时,第二天的精神状态、效率、健康和思考 — _ _ 」 能力就会降低。埃里克森教授的研究发现,表现优秀的人每天睡8小时 - _2_ 36分钟。相比之下,普通美国人工作日每晚只睡 6小时51分钟。这 是有关人类表现的各种研究中最有影响的研究之一。 You are simply a different person when you operate on in sufficie nt sleep. And it shows. If you do not get eno ugh sleep, it can lead to a cascade of n egative eve nts. You achieve less at work, skip regular exercise, and eat poorly. 当你在睡眠不足的状态下工作时, 你会失常。而且这会表现在方方 面面。如果你睡眠不足,可能会导致一系列的不良后果。你的工作效率 会下降,定期的体育锻炼也不再坚持,饮食也会一团糟。 This lack of sleep is also costly. Accord ing to a study from Harvard Medical School, lack of sleep costs the American economy $63 billion a year in lost productivity alone. The problem is no t just people miss ing work on acco unt of sleep, the



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