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TIME \@ yyyy年M月d日 2020年5月14日 2021年雅思英语作文总结句 篇一:雅思英语作文经典句子 好句子·· 结交好友本身就是件有意义事情,因为这能够使学生们愈加喜爱自己班级,而这种情况从长远角度讲肯定是有利于学习成效。 making friends itself is meaningful in that it makes the class a more attractive place and in the long run, it makes for students’ learning. 另外首先,我们应该认可:班小、班大绝对没有老师来得关键。 on the other hand, we must acknowledge that no matter how small or big a class is, it is simply not that important as the teacher. 相反,假如老师好,哪怕有一千名学生,也照样能够确保老师讲得起劲,学生听得有滋味,学习效果也就不言自喻了。 quite the opposite, if the teacher is good, then no matter how many students there are in one class, say, 1,000 of them, the teacher would still be able to teach enthusiastically and the students listen enjoyably, and the learning effect would be beyond any doubt. 当然,为了维护男女平等,很多科目一定要招收相同百分比男女生也没有什么问题,但关键问题是:这么做公平吗? sure, it is okay to recruit the same number of male and female students just for the sake of maintaining equality between the two sexes, but the key point is: is it fair? 基于以上论证,我们能够得出这么一个结论:坚持招收同百分比学生数目没有道理,所以,是不可取作法。 老师有丰富教学经验能够确保我们不走弯路,让我们很快弄明白我们应该明白一切,这一点是我们自学所做不到。 teachers have rich experience which can help ensure that we learn more effectively and that we can quickly understand what we should understand. this will be hard to achieve if we learn by ourselves. 当然,我们不能否认,自学也是必需。假准期望一切全部靠老师来教授,那是不现实。 of course, we can not deny the fact that self-learning is also indispensable. it is simply unrealistic to totally rely on our teachers for leaning everything. 老师跟我们在一起时间毕竟是有限,不管怎样也不可能随时随地跟我们在一起,这就需要我们含有自主学习能力和习惯。 after all, the time that our teachers can afford to stay with us is limited and there is no way for them to be with us wherever and whenever we need them. therefore, we need to possess the ability and habit for self-study. 总而言之,在老师指导下学习能够使学习本身成为一件轻松愉快事情,不过我们也不能完全依靠老师,我们还需要投入很多时间和精力进行自学,只有这么结合,才能确保我们能够学到知识、掌握知识。 based on the above discussion, we see that leaning under the guidance of teachers can make the learning process itself easier and more enjoyable. however, we


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