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Unit9 How many? Lesson 1 (3-25 ) ⑴教学目标 : 知识目标 : birds, eggs, flowers How many … are there? There are ….There is a …,too. 能力目标 : listening, reading, speaking and communication 情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,培养学生的自信心。 ⑵教学重难点: Asking and answering question about quantities. ⑶教学过程: 1、 Greeting : T:How are you students? S:I 'm fine,thank you. 2、 Warm-up:① Before class , let ' s listen to a song (英语数字歌). T:Do you remember the numbers from one to ten? S:Yes. T:OK. Let ' s count.( 黑板上写好,带领同学读。 ) You are so clever 。 The next, I want you to answer my questions: Q1:Look at my picture:What ' s this? A:It ' s a bird! Q2:What are these? A:These are eggs. Q3:Are these cabbages/potatoes? A:Yes,they are/No,they aren ' t. The next question,a little difficult,please listen carefully(take out mushroom s picture): Q4:How many mushroom are there? T:Do you remember this sentence:How many( 有多少个? ) S:repeat the sentence with the teacher. A:there are … eggs.(rapeat.) Use the pen cil\ruler to ask. 3、 Model the dialog TherepictureDrawing of three birds, say, “Howmany birds are there? ” Elicit response are three birds. ” There picture 4、 story : Have the students open their book at page 26 : T: Today we will learn a story about Mocky and Lulu. Nowplease look at the and listen to my questions: 边放边问: Q1: Where are Mocky and lulu ? A: They are in the forest. Q2: How many birds are there ? A: There are three birds. Q3: How many eggs are there ? A: There are five eggs. Q5: How many eggs does Mocky find? A:six. Q6: How many eggs are there now? A:five. Q7:Why do they run ? TOC \o "1-5" \h \z A: Because they find a big crocodile ! 带领同学们回顾课文,把卡片贴在黑板上,带领同学们说一说。 liste n and repeat 。 read after the teacher 。 read in roles 。 5、 game: guess how many things are there ? 6、 Homework read the story after class 。 ⑷教学反思:由于本篇课文涉及的内容是一年级学过的数字英语, 所以同学们学起来也比较 容易。我主要是从一首英文数字歌进行引入, 然后让同学们回顾学过的数字英语知识, 再进 行句型的提问复习,然后以 how many的句子提问引入课文,课文学习之后,进行句子练习。 总体感觉课堂气氛不错, 学生掌握的也还可以, 不足之处就在于教学设计有些前紧后松, 课 文内容涉及学习还是有些不到位,练习部分应多涉及课文内容。


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