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1 1. 此可行性研究报告意在为行星跟踪软件寻找可行的设计方案。 可行性研究报告是由通用 电脑公司的 101 团队于 2005 年 6 月 15 日至 2005 年 6 月 21 日内编制。 This document is a report on the feasibility study conducted on the proposed solutions for the Planet Tracking Software. The feasibility study was conducted between June 15th, 2005 and June 21st, 2005 by Group 101, GCC Corporation. 2. 实施可行性研究 考查的是软件如何变换风险承担者和用户的角色,以及新的工作流程 和组织结构能否被用户和风险承担者所接受。 An operational feasibility study examines how the software will change the roles of the stakeholders and the users and whether the new workflow and organizational structure will be accepted by the users and stakeholders 3. 技术可行性研究 考查的是在现有团队和环境的技术条件下, 将用于行星跟踪软件中的 提议的设计方案是否可行。 A technical feasibility study checks to see if the proposed solution is feasible given the skills of our group and the environment the software is expected to be deployed in the Planet Tracking Software. 4 . 时间可行性研究 考查提议的设计方案能否在某种意义上确保满足宇宙工程公司要求 的和其他客户要求的最终期限。 A schedule feasibility study checks if the proposed solution can be developed in a manner that will ensure that all deadlines set by Cosmos Engineering and other clients are met. 5. 财政可行性研究 考查若按照提议的设计方案进行开发,设计软件的开销和利润。 A financial feasibility study examines the costs and benefits of developing the software in the manner of the proposed solution. 6. 技术约束的第一点是如何提出能够作用于 Windows 操作系统的可行设计方案。另一技 术约束是由于团队的现有技术而产生。 The first technical constraint that was considered for coming up with the possible solutions was that the system has to work on the Windows operating system. The other technical constraint is a result of the skills of our group 7. 团队中的 5 名成员都精通 JAVA。因此设计方案不会给任何成员造成障碍。 All 5 of the members of our group are famil


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