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纟 Before the class 纟性 ?A I want you to be engaged in the material. ifU^hf^^b^r^gagOd in^vhateVer it is that we are discussing in class? 9 ■oetiGr attenfioFi ?uetter Not necessarily thinking about getting down wo rd thaf I say. Td like you to take active notes jather than passive notes. Write down what can make you feel or learn something「? Better attention, better understanding of the material if you are actively engaged. 7 7 7 7 PLANT EXPLORATION Z 18TH AND 19TH CENTUR [Words and expressions review exoticadj.异国情调涂 exotic adj.异国情调涂 奇异的 追溯到;远在 年袖》 adj.远的;远处的 n.埃及 n.货物 j n.磅秤;天光杉 ords review ■ conflict missionary n.斗争;冲突 adj.教会的;传教的 n.传教士 endeavour anchor n.尽力;竭力 n.锚 vi. vt.抛锚;锚定 tight adj.紧的;紧密的 tightly seal container restriction fluency shave tightly seal container restriction fluency shave Words review ■ ■ ■ ■— ■ ■ adv.紧紧地;坚. vt.封闭;密封 n.容器 」 n.限制;约超厂 n.流利;%够1 vt. vi?必 expressions review thunderstorm pirate appeal appeal to dove botanistn.雷雨;雷暴 thunderstorm pirate appeal appeal to dove botanist n.海盗 vi?(对某人)有吸引切惨助 (对某人)有吸引力; n?鸽子 乡 n.植物学家 Skimming to get general ideas SkimmingReading Comprehension Skimming Reading Comprehension cho^A J/B Read the passage quickly and the best answer. 1 Which is fit to describe this passage? It is a . 逾narration (记叙文) K exposition (说明文) C. prose (散文) D. poem The text is written in the order of A. the importance of plant exploration 曉the timeline of plant exploration the collection of plants the age of collectors Careful reading to solve difficult points 1?date back to追溯到;远准 ?年代 This town dates back to Roman tin^s. The castle dates back to the 14th centu 我们从1960年就合伙了。 Our partnership dates back to 1 date from追溯到;始于 』 This custom dates from the 17th ce My interest in stamp collectings^ from my schooldays ? dated adj?过时的;陈旧 2- conflict n.矛盾,分歧* There was a lot of conflict between him and his father. It was an unpopular policy and caus* a number of conflicts within the part Nations mustnt settle their diflerenc by armed conflic


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