硫化氢中毒病例中英文汇报 PPT课件.pptVIP

硫化氢中毒病例中英文汇报 PPT课件.ppt

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male nurse male nurse male nurse male nurse male nurse male nurse Diagnosis and treatment of hydrogen sulfide poisoning 气体中毒 一氧化碳carbon monoxide 甲烷methane 硫化氢hydrogen sulfide 氰化氢cyanide 氨气ammonia 氯气chlorine 光气phosgene Irritants? Asphyxiant? Hydrogen sulfide *Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is typical of compounds that are beneficial at normal physiological concentrations but toxic at high doses. *Endogenously produced H2S functions as a signaling molecule in the brain and gastrointestinal (GI) pathologies.(1,2) *H2S in high acute-dose exposures is a severely toxic substance.(3,4) 1. Tan BH, Wong PT Bian JS. 2010 Hydrogen sulfide: a novel signaling molecule in the central nervous system. Neurochem. Int 56: 3–10. 2. Moustafa A Habara Y. 2015 Hydrogen sulfide: a novel gaseous signaling molecule and intracellular Ca2+ regulator in rat parotid acinar cells. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol 309: C480– C490. 3. Olas B 2017 Hydrogen sulfide as a “double-faced” compound: one with pro- and antioxidant effect. Adv. Clin. Chem 78: 187–196. 4. Gadalla MM Snyder SH. 2010 Hydrogen sulfide as a gasotransmitter. J. Neurochem 113: 14–26. Hydrogen sulfide H2S is a colorless gas and has a distinctive rotten egg odor. It is sometimes referred to as sewer gas. It is heavier than air, and therefore collects in low-lying, enclosed spaces, such as manholes, sewer lines, and manure pits, where it is a hazard. OSHA. Hydrogen sulfide In OSHA Fact Sheet. Vol. 2015 Accessed June 16, 2017 Case. the poisoning of hydrogen sulfide A 20-year-old male suddenly fell to the ground after entering the asphalt tank at 9:00am. He was immediately transferred to the local hospital. On arrival at the hospital, his vital signs were Bp 170/87 mmHg, Sp02 96%, HR 102 bpm, breathing rate 12 bpm. At 12:00 Bp 107/67 mmHg, HR 88 bmp, SpO2 95%, GCS of 4 and APACHE II score of 24. He was then transferred to the ICU in our hospital. the poisoning of hydrogen sulfide consciousness(linghtning-like, knock down) vital


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