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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 第三学时 Using Language Reading, listening and speaking 语篇理解 ?Task ?Task PAGE # 快速阅读The Rest of Elias1 Story (p.38),以约30词写出文章的 概要。 Elias tells us his experience in prison where Mandela began a school to help those who had little learning.He also tells us about his work after he was set free. 仔细阅读The Rest of Elias* Story,根据课文内容选择最佳答案。 1? Why did Robben Island make Elias afraid? Because no one could escape from it. B ? Because there were many black prisoners in Robben Island? C ? Because it was far from South African. D? Because Elias, like other black prisoners, had suffered much terror and fear in it. 答案:D 2. What does the word ureward,J in the text mean? A? Something one receives for what he has done? B ? Something that one should pay for. C ? Something given to someone for his kindness. D? Something that can! be bought by money. 答案:A 3? Use a word to describe Elias* life in the prison on Robben Island. Easy. Unlucky. Hard? Unequal. 答案:C 4. Which of the following statements is true according to the text? A? Elias lost his job for his poor education after he got out of priso n? Nelson Mandela gave Elias a job as a guide after the ANC Youth League came to power. In the prison, Nelson Mandela began a school for all prisoners of Robben Island. D? Elias* family encouraged him to refuse the job offered by Nelson Mandela. 答案:B 5. How does Elias feel about the job now? A ? He feels satisfled. B. He feels proud? C ? He feels terrified. D ? He feels happy. 答案:B Part ARole Play Part A Role Play 情景:Elias告诉Lily他在狱中以及他出狱后的情况。 角色:Elias and Lily 任务:请你扮演Lily,根据中文提示提问;请你的朋友扮演 Elias,根据课文内容回答问题。然后你们交换角色进行口语训练。 Q1:那个令人恐怖的监狱叫什么名字? 答案: QI: Whafs the name of the frightening prison? A1: Robben Island. Q2:你在那个监狱里关了多长时间? 答案: Q2: How long did you stay there? A2: Four years. Q3:当时曼德拉是怎么帮助你的? 答案: Q3: How did Nelson Mandela help you then? A3: He began a school for those of us who had little learning. Q4:出狱后你找到工作了吗? 答案: Q4: Could you get a job after you were set



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