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[第一:课吋1 V ocabulary and Reading ■???? ■■??? ZDCH重点词汇 1. impress 1M留下印象;使……明白 ; ■①The girl impressed her friends with her sense of humour. ■这位女孩的幽默感给她的朋友留下了深深 的印象。 ②He impressed the importance of their work on them. ■他让他们明白他们工作的重要性。 2)vt.印上 Following the fashion, he impressed a special design on his back. ■为追求时尚,他在背上印了一个特别的印 花图案。 3)be impressed by(with, at)欣赏;受感动 ?We were impressed by his deeds. ■我们被他的行为所感动。 :[ ■②I was impressed by(with, at)his house. ■我非常欣赏他的房子。 l)impress sth. on sb.=impress sb. with sth. 2)impress常用于被动语态,不可用于进行 时。 知识拓展 impression n. 印象;感觉 impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的 give an impression (of) 给予 感觉 make an impression on sb.给某人留下印象 get/obtain an impression 得到某印象 ■即学即用 She made a good A. impress B ■ impression C. impressive D. impressions ■答案:B on us all. 2? prepare v. 1 )prepare sth.准备某事 Ill prepare my lessons. ■我要备课(“我”的身份可能是学生,也可 能是老师)。 ;; 2)prepare to do sth.准备做某事 He is preparing to go on a trip. ■他正准备去旅行。; ;; 3)prepare sb. sth.(=prepare sth. for sb.)为某 人准备某物 Mother is preparing me a meal. 4)prepare sb. to do sth.为某人做某事做准 备;〔1 The teacher is preparing the students to do the experiment. ■老师正在为学生们进行实验做准备。 5)prepare for sth.( = get ready for sth.)为 ……做准备 ; | The students are preparing for the exam. ■学生们正在准备考试。 6)prepare sth. for sth.为某事做准备 Mary is preparing the table for dinner. TOC \o "1-5" \h \z ■玛丽正在摆桌子准备吃饭。 ; 7)prepare sb. for sth.指导某人准备某事 The teacher is preparing his students for an exam. ■老师正在辅导学生们准备考试。 ; ?8)prepare against准备对付,应付 (不 愉快的事) History has told us to be prepared against wars. 知识拓展 preparation ".准备,预备 prepared adj.事先准备好的;意料之中的 make preparations for 为 准备 词语辨析 prepare-^prepare for 1 )prepare sth.=get sth. ready “把某物准备 好”,sth.在句中作宾语,表示句子的主 语直接参与做这件事。 ■ Mother is preparing a meal. ■妈妈正在做饭。 2)prepare for sth. = get ready for sth. “为某 事做好准备”,血sth.在句中作目的状语 ,表示句子的主语是在为这个事情做事前 的准备工作。 The students are preparing for an examination. ■同学们正在准备考试。 ■高考链接 I washed my hands and supper while mother was supper in the kitchen. A. prepared for; preparing B. pr


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