外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 7 《Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food》课件)-.ppt

外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 7 《Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food》课件)-.ppt

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美国人最盛行在圣诞节互赠礼品。美国人认为单数是吉利的。有时只送三个梨也不感到菲薄,不同于中国人讲究成双成对。美国人收到礼物,一定要马上打开,当着送礼人的面欣赏或品尝礼物,并立即向送礼者道谢。礼物包装讲究,里面却不一定是太贵重的东西。有时打开里三层外三层的精美包装,露出来的只是几颗巧克力糖而已。 俄罗斯人送礼和收礼都极有讲究。俄罗斯人 忌讳别人送钱,认为送钱是一种对人格的侮辱。但他们很爱外国货,外国的糖果、烟、酒、服饰都是很好的礼物。如果送花,要送单不送双,双数是不吉利的。 在德国送礼, 对礼品是否适当、包装是否精美要格外注意, 玫瑰是专送情人的,绝不可送给主人, 德国人喜欢应邀郊游,但主人在出发前需要细致周到的安排。 在阿拉伯地区, 初次见面时不送礼, 否则会被视为行贿;特别不能送礼物给有商务往来的熟人的妻子,更不可询问他们的家居情况;去阿拉伯人家参观做客,千万不能盯住一件东西看个不停,那样阿拉伯主人一定要你收下这件东西,否则心里将鄙视你。 在法国送礼,一般选在重逢时。礼品选择应表示出对法国主人的智慧的赞美,应邀去法国人家用餐时,应送几枝不捆扎的鲜花。 拉丁美洲不能送刀剪, 否则认为友情的完结, 手帕也不能作为礼品,因为它是和眼泪相联系的。拉丁美洲人喜欢美国生产的小型家用产品,比如厨房用具等。在拉美国家,征税很高的物品极受欢迎,最好不送奢侈品。 5. “Finally, it’s sometimes difficult to know when the meal is over.” How do we know that a meal is over in China? What might be different in a western meal. In China a meal is over as soon as people have finished eating. In the West, people might sit around the table talking after they’ve finished eating. Read the passage again. What are the most surprising pieces of information about meals and eating customs in the West? Things to say Meal times How to eat food In China Complete the column In China in Activity 3 with notes about meals and eating customs in China. breakfast 7 am lunch 12 pm supper 7 pm manman chi Chopsticks are used. Number of dishes Being served Refusing food At the end of the meal In China You are served both by your host and yourself. Politely say you are full and don’t want any more. More dishes are prepared than in the West. You should stay and talk around the table long. Write a passage for a tourist magazine with western readers called: When in China, do as the Chinese do. ? Look at the table in Activity 3, and write questions. What time is lunch served? ? Now answer the questions. Use the notes you made. Lunch is served… ? Write a sentence to introduce the passage. Meals in China are different in some ways to meals in the West. ? Write a sentence to finish your passage.


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