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Unit 3 A healthy life 第二学时 Learning about Language 要点讲与练 1. stress n. 压力, 强调 焦虑;强调;重要性 A词语链接 stressful °茅?令人感到有压力的 stressed坳??紧张的,有压力的 put/play/lay stress on 重视 f 看重 a stressful job —个有压力的工作 A A即学即练 ,给……以压力 完成下列句子。 Regular exercise can help (缓解压力). reduce stress The school (特别强调)developing childrens creativity. The importance of teamwork in football matches lays great stress on (经幫被强调). is often stressed (4)The quick tempo(节奏)of modern life makes me (感到紧张). feel stressed I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I Iive.(p.l8) 我想我之所以能长寿及精力充沛,主要原因是我的健康生 活。 due to由于,因 造成,归功于;应给与,应属于 A词语链接 A?完成下列句子。 (由于雾天),the traffic BLecanse of the foggy weather moved very slowly. The great success of this project was largely (归功于当地30 名商人的支持). due to the support given by the 30 local businessmen B B?选用上述词语完成下列句子。 词语辨析: due to; owing to; as a result of; thanks to; because of ①due to ①due to “由于” ,多用作表语,通常不置于句 首。 ②owing to 由于,因为”,多指引起不良后果 的原因,但在实际使用中常与because ofS换。 ③as a result of “作为 的结果”,一般用作 状语。 ?thanksto “幸亏,多亏,由于”,作状语用 ,多置于句首。既表近于原意的正面意义或褒 义“感谢”,也表近于讽刺口吻的“感谢”。 ?because of 因为,由于”,一般用作状语, He was late the snow. as a result ofi^because of/owing to your help, I passed the examination? the rain, they could not come. Tlp?綁the scheme was bad management. Owing to/Because of due to You see, during adolescence I also smoked and I became addicted to cigarettes.(p.l8) 你知道,我年轻的时候也吸过烟并很快就上瘾了。 A A即学即练 A A即学即练 be addicted to sth?/ doing sth. 有瘾;沉溺于某物;对某事入迷 become addicted to sth?/ doing sth. 有瘾;沉溺于某物;对某事入迷 完成下列句子。 (l)The parents felt helpless when they found their son (沉溺于电脑游戏)■ had be関理斛丽yp playing computer TV soap operas(电视 连续剧). is addicted to This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it.So when the drug leaves your body, you get withdrawal symptoms.(p.l8) 这意味着过一段时间后你的身体就适应了香烟中的尼古丁, 旦它离开了你的身体,你就会感到没精神。 be/become accustomed to = be used to表示习惯于,短语 中的to是介词,后面可接名词、代词或动名词。 A词语链接 look forward to 期望,盼望 pay attention to 注意 object to



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