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the partys fine style, carry forward the tra ditional Chine se virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vig orousl carry forward the pirit of ao Yu, ongqi Canal piritnd piritof perstence, hone sty in politics, strict statesman, stic to t he spiritual heightsof the Communist s. Four t o dev otion, o pla a ole in qualifyng. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the pe ople t hemselve s, and ddicati on, devotion, mntain pioneer, pi oneering a nd enterpri ng rit, ctie at he well-off exa pracce, mke contributi ons. The ice ntie funtionf poranizations at all lev els should give fulladva ced dels, establi sh a re prese ntative, adv anced a cal of the time s, and guide the broa d massesof part membes to emulate. In honor of the 95 a nniverarf foudi ng as an opport unity to aw ard in re cog nition of a number of outstanding party members a dvanced gra trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change ining to tea chE dcation inorder to solve t he problem, if it does not solv e the probl em it will form gos through the motions. To strengthen the conciousneof problems and insisted on problem-oriente d, problem-solng learning e duation for ction, deep i nvestigation i nto change , modification. A checke d swi ng. Learng educati on pr ogramme for party-buil ding in our city act uall propose d to focuson solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, conci ousness, purpose of the party weak sense, hone ndself-disci pli ne aware ness is not strong, de preed, six isus of etcal misconduct study conte nts specifi c programmes for allparty members a nd le adi ng cadres above thecounty leel shall focus on furt her refineme nt to the problems. Specific t o every party member a nd every cadre , also re quira ombination of atual nd controlle d, focuse own spe oblems t o learn Constitution Partyules, eries, addss, o pr eon o find the problem, lang a soli d foundation for furthe



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