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《一只海豚的传说2》:海豚明星再次演绎传奇 There are challenges when )luring a movie star back to a film )sequel—even dolphins. Director Charles Martin Smith found this out after ’s Dolphin Tale proved to be a )breakout )vehicle for his )aquatic star, Winter. “Winter had some )demands, she knows she’s a star now,” jokes Smith. “I did have to throw in some higher-quality )herring. She wants it fresh.” No matter how much herring is required, it was worth it for Dolphin Tale (out September th). The )original Dolphin Tale was a surprise hit, making close to $ million worldwide that year. Further more, it starred the actual dolphin, Winter, whose dramatic real-life struggle inspired the movie. In , five-month-old Winter got caught by a crab trap in an accident that destroyed her )tail flukes. It was a life-and-death situation for the dolphin; she struggled to stay alive while under care at Florida’s rescue center, the Clearwater )Marine Aquarium. “When she lost her tail, there was some talk of perhaps putting her down. No dolphin had ever survived this way,” says Smith. “But the people who worked with Winter saw such life and spirit in her. They fought to keep her alive.” A )prosthetic expert heard about her problem and built an )artificial fin that would allow Winter to swim properly, inspiring the movie that starred Winter, Harry Connick Jr., Kris Kristofferson, Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman. The same spirit that kept Winter alive made her a star on film. Winter also remains a )standout at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, where fans still )flock to visit on a daily basis. In the new film, Winter’s )surrogate mother, the very elderly dolphin Panama, dies. Therefore, Connick Jr. (as the aquarium’s Dr. Clay Haskett) needs to seek out another pool )companion. Bethany Hamilton, who had her left arm bitten off by a shark while surfing in , also appears in the film as herself—the two )bond over their shared )obstacles. Winter seemed very exited to be shoot



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