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沭阳县外国语实验学校初三年级 学科复习课教案活页 时间足+选题新+选题广+题量大=效益 夯实基础,融会贯通,方能取胜 复习内容:专项复习5(介词) 集备时间 月 号 上课时间 月 号 主备人 周旭东 课时 第1 课时 审核 胡红梅 复习目标 介词的功能 复 习 重难点 介词的作用和种类 课前必备 Papers PPT 复习课教学过程 一般包括考题导向,自主考查→合作探究,解决疑难→归纳考点, 总结方法→典型迁移,强化拓展→梳理反思,作业强化 二次备课 一、 知识整合 探究运用 (8分钟) 1. 介词的作用和种类 不能单独做句子的成分, 一般用在名词、名词词组或相当于名词词组的结构前, 修饰动词、名词或代词,表示时间、地点、空间或其他关系。 介词的主要分类: 1. at 10:00 ,in spring, on September 1st __________ 2. at the cinema, in the north of China ___________ 3. go by bus ,write with a pen ___________ 4. by the way, at last, in the end 一.时间介词 1) 时间三姐妹 at, on, in 2)时间的前后 before, after 3) 时间的起点 from, since 4) 时间的期间 for, during 5)not…until…直到… 才/until… (做…)直到… 时间介词辨析 (since, for, from, by) 1.I have been interested in making model plane ____ the age of eight. We had learnt 3000 words ____ the end of last term. He started work ________ eight o’clock. He has worked ________ eight o’clock. 二、 方法归纳 能力提升 (10分钟) 二. 表示地点,方位的介词 1.at the village , at home, at the corner of the street 2.in Shanghai , in the country, in Asia, in the world, in space… 3. in the box, on the chair, under the desk, next to Kate, on the right of Lucy, in front of the house, behind the door… 4. fall into the river, throw onto the floor, walk towards the gate, run across the bridge, walk through the forest, fly over the sea,go past the shop 到达 arrive ___ a city; arrive ___ a village arrive/reach ___ home/here/there 在…之上 There is a bridge _____ the river. Simon lives two floors _____ me. 在…之间 Simon sits _______ Li Hua ____ ___. Da Ming is the best ______ all the students. 在…之下 I suddenly found my lost packet ________ my desk. I live two floors ________ Simon. 在…对面 There is a shop _______ our school. 三.方式介词:用…\ 通过… 其他介词 (except, including, beyond) but/except 除...之外,其余都 besides 除此之外还有 including 包含 包括 beyond 超越 throughout 自始至终、遍及 The book includes 40 stories,_______the story of Xi Wang. Mr. Lin gave t



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