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有关自由的英语名言警句 自由的英语名言警句 1、谁也不能剥夺我们自由的意志。 No one can deprive our free will. 2、自由的土地必须一寸寸夺取。 Free land must be inching capture. 3、世上最美好的事物是言论自由。 The best things in the world is freedom of speech. 4、自由只有通过友爱才得以保全。 Only through love and preserve the freedom. 5、取义成仁今日事,人间遍种自由花。 Take YiChengRen done today, all kinds of human freedom. 6、自由是上帝赐给人类的最大的幸福之一。 Freedom is one of the greatest happiness of god to mankind. 7、言论自由是一切权利之母。 Freedom of speech is the mother of all rights. 8、有高度的自由,才有高深的科学。 A high degree of freedom, just have advanced science. 9、否定意志的自由,就无道德可言。 No freedom of will, with no moral. 10、科学同思想自由是不可分离的。 Science and freedom of thought are inseparable. 11、自由之树必须时时用暴君的血作养料。 The tree of liberty must be constantly with the blood of tyrants. 12、自由的目的是为他人创造自由。 Freedom is the purpose of creative freedom for others. 13、自由的第一个意义就是担负自己的责任。 The first meaning of freedom is his own responsibility. 14、一个人被锁了起来就特别希望往外面跑。 A person is locked up in particular want to run outside. 15、自然科学是人们争取自由的一种武器。 Natural science is a weapon in the fight for freedom of people. 16、自由应是一个能使自己变得更好的机会。 Freedom should be a can make them a better chance. 17、自由一旦扎根,就会像植物一样迅速生长。 Liberty, when it take root, will like plants grow quickly. 18、在自由社会里,报纸是一股强大的力量。 In a free society, the newspaper is a powerful force. 19、自由是人类得以自豪的唯一珍贵物品。 Freedom is the humanity can proud only precious items. 20、自由只会倒在她自己的剑下。 Free will only fall on her own sword. 21、只有自由的灵魂才能永葆青春。 Only a free soul can eternal youth. 22、要自由,就必须生活在一个法制的土地上。 Want freedom, you have to live in a land under the rule of law. 23、始知锁向金笼听,不及林间自在啼。 Beginning to golden cage to lock, less comfortable crow in the forest. 24、在正义占统治地位的地方,自由就是服从。 The dominant place in justice, liberty is obeyed. 25、我们换取金钱的代价是自由。 We return for the cost of money is freedom.



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