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第十三节 状语从 句的译法 主讲:刘芳华 英语的状语从句 英语状语从句包括表示时间、原因、条件、 让步、目的等等各种从句。 ? 一、 表时间的状语从句 ? ( 一 ) 译成相应的表示时间的状语 ? While she spoke , the tears were running down. ? 她说话时,泪水直流(状语位置与原文一致) ? Please turn off the light when you leave the room. ? 离屋时请关灯。(原文后置,译文前置) ? (二)译成“刚(一) …. 就 ….” 的句 式 He had hardly rushed into the room when he shouted, “Fire! Fire!” ? 他 刚 跑进屋里 就 大声喊:“着火了,着火 了!” ? Hardly had we arrived when it began to rain. ? 我们 一 到 就 下雨了。 ? When I reached the beach, I collapsed. ? 我 一 游到海滩, 就 昏倒了。 ? He had scarcely handed me the letter when he asked me to read it. ? 他把信 一 交给我, 就 叫我念给他听。 ? (三)译成并列的分句 He shouted as he ran. ? 他一边跑,一边喊。 ? They set him free when his ransom had not yet been paid. ? 他还没有交赎金,他们就把他放了。 ? 二、表示原因的状语从句 (一)译成表“因”的分句 ? The crops failed because the season was dry. ? 因为气候干燥,作物歉(欠)收。 ? Because we are both prepared to proceed on the basis of equality and mutual respect, we meet at a moment when we can make peaceful cooperation a reality. ? ? 由于我们双方都准备在平等互尊的基础上行 事,我们在这个时刻会晤就能够使和平合作 成为现实。 (二)译成因果偏正复句中的主句 Because he was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his opinion. ? 他深信这件事正确可靠 ,因此坚持己见。 ? Pure iron is not used in industry because it is too soft. ? 纯铁太软,所以不用再工业上 。 ? (三)译成不用关联词而因果关系内 含的并列分句 After all, it did not matter much, because in 24 hours, they were going to be free . ? 反正关系不大, 二十四小时以后他们就自由 了。 ? He was not only surprised but, to start with, extremely suspicious, as he had every reason to be. ? 他不但惊讶而且首先是十分怀疑,他这样感 觉是完全有理由的。 ? 三、表示条件的状语从句 (一)译成表“条件”的分句 ? It was better in case they were captured . ? 要是把他们捉到了 ,那就更好了。 ? Once the men had been accepted by the Comet organization , they were brought to Brussels. ? 他们一旦被彗星组织收下了 ,就被带到布鲁 塞尔去。 ? (二)译成表“假设”的分句 If one of them collapsed , as they often did, the guide used to carry him over the mountains. ? 如果其中一个人垮了 ,这种事时常在他们中 间发生,向导就要背着他过山。 ? (三)译成补充说明情况的分句 You can drive tonight if you are ready. ? 你今晚就可以出车,如果你愿意的话。 ? Youll have some money by then, --- that is, if you last t


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