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v1.0 可编辑可修改 Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb prize n. (for) 奖品,奖赏,奖金 . 那些男孩子为赢得奖品而互相竞争。 The boys competed with each other for the prize. adj. 1. that has won a prize 得奖的,获奖的 . 她是最有希望得奖的女孩。 She is the most likely girl to win the prize. 2. 奖品的,作为奖品的 given as a prize . 他要用这笔奖金支付我的部分学费。 He will use the prize money to help pay for my education. 一流的,完全的 infml, often humor complete . 她总是把事情弄糟;她是个不折不扣的大笨蛋。 She always makes a mess of things; she ’ s a prize idiot. Vt. [T] to value highly 珍视;珍爱 . (1) 这男孩子把他的自行车看作最宝贵的财产。 The boy ’ s bicycle was his most prized possession. 他把我的友谊看得比其他什么更宝贵。 He prized my friendship above everything else. 注:课文中 prize adj. 珍贵的,宝贵的 possession n. 1. [c, often pl. ] a piece of personal property 个人财产,私人财物 . 人们不得不收拾起仅有的一点财物,逃到山里去。 The people had to gather up their few possessions and escape to the hills. 111 v1.0 可编辑可修改 2. [u] (~of) the state of having, holding, or owning something; ownership 占有, 持有,拥有 . 他被发现藏有危险药品。 He was found in possession of dangerous drugs. possess v. (not in progressive form) 拥有,占有,具有(某种品质) keep 动词 keep 的宾语可使用形容词,现在分词和过去分词这样的结构,来表达“使 处于某 种状态、条件、姿势”等意义的句子中,如: . (1) 她那样抱着双臂以使自己暖和些。 She ‘ s holding her arms like that to keep her warm. 狼使我们整夜无法入睡。 All the night we were kept awake by wolves. 对不起,让你久等了。 ’ m sorry to keep you waiting long. 那些门似乎总是锁着。 It seemed that those doors were kept permanently locked. 在这样的结构中,宾语后的形容词、现在分词和过去分词作动词 keep 的宾语补足语。 tie v. tied; tying (present participle) 1. [T] to fasten with a cord, rope, etc[ 用绳、带等 ] 系、拴、扎、捆 . (1) 把这标签系到你的手提箱上。 Tie this label onto your suitcase. (2) 她把马拴在一棵树上。 She tied her horse to a tree. tie to 把 拴 / 系在 2. [T] to fasten by drawing together and knotting 把 [ 带子等 ] 打结,系上 . 你学会系自己的鞋带了吗 Could you tie your own shoe laces yet 222 v1.0 可编辑可修改 n. 1. also 又作 necktie esp. AmE 领带,领结 2. a cord, string, etc. used for fastening sth. (捆扎东西的)绳子,带子 3.[usua. pl.] something that unites; bond 联系,关系 . (1) 亲属关系 family ties 友好关系 ties of friendship fetch vt. 1. 拿来 . (1) 我不想让你去给我拿任何东西。 I don ’t want


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