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聘请法律顾问合同格式 全文 (以下简称甲方)因工作需要根据《中华 人民共和国律师暂行条例》的有 关规定,聘请 (以下简称乙方)的律师为法律 顾问,经双方协商订立下列协议 ,共同遵照履行。 一、 乙方委派律师 担任甲方的法律顾问, 为甲方提供法律帮助,依法维护 甲方的合法权益。甲方指定 为法律顾问的联系 人。 二、 法律顾问工作范围: 为甲方解答法律问题,必要时提供法律意见书。 .协助草拟、修改、审查合同和有关法律事务文书。 .接受甲方委托,参与经济合同谈判。 .接受甲方委托,担任代理人,参加诉讼、非诉讼、 调解、仲裁活动。 .应甲方要求,向职工进行法制宣传教育。 .接受甲方委托、办理其它法律事务。 三、 律师的工作时间、地点,根据甲方的提议,随时联 系约定 按季缴纳,参加诉讼、非诉讼、 调解、仲裁、以及项目谈判,收费按规定另议。 五、 律师受甲方委托,外出差旅费由甲方支付。 六、 甲方应向律师提供与业务有关的情况、资料和必要 的工作条件。 七、 本合同自双方签字之日起生效,期限为 年。 八、 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等效力。 甲 方(公章) 乙 方(公章) 甲方代表(签字) 乙方代表(签字) 甲方电话: 乙方电话:(签字) 地 址: 地 址: 签约时间: 年 月 日 签 约 地: CONTRACT ON RETAINING LEGAL COUNSEL Whole Doc. ("A" hereinafter) would like to retain ("B" hereinafter) as its legal counsel, according to "Provisional Rules on Legal Counsel of the People's Republic of China". The two parties through consultation hereby agree upon, and shall be bound by, the following terms: 1. B will designate , the lawyer employed by A, to work as B's legal counsel. will provide legal assistance and protect B's interests vested by law. The legal counsel will provide the following services: Providing answers to legal questions, and issuing written legal opinion when necessary; Assisting in drafting and reviewing contracts and other legal document; Participating in contract negotiation on A's behalf; d.Participatinginlitigation, d. Participating in litigation, non-litigation activities, arbitration, and intermediation; e. Handling other legal matters on behalf of A. A will contact the legal counsel to decide the time and location each time when service is needed. A shall pay B an annual fee of $ . Additional fee will be charged on an hourly basis for the service of litigation, intermediation, arbitration, and contract negotiation. Whenever the legal counsel is on business trip on behalf of A, all his/her living and travelling expense shall be paid by A. A shall provide the legal counsel with relevant information, material and appropriate working conditions. This contract shall come into effect


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