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2020年有趣的雅思常用谚语   它多是口语形式的通俗易懂的短句或韵语。人们生活中常用的现成的话。下面是小编给大家带来的雅思常用谚语合集3篇,希望能够帮助到大家!   雅思常用谚语合集1   1.眼见为实。seeing is believing.   2.人生短暂,学艺无穷。Art is long, life is short.   3.三思而后行。Look before you leap.   4.有其父,必有其子。Like father, like son.   5.再晚也不算迟。Better late than never.   6.条条大路通罗马。All roads lead to Rome.   7.并非闪光的都是金子。All that glitters is not gold.   8.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。As you sow, so shall you reap.   9.物以类聚。Birds of a feather flock together.   10.不劳无获。No pain, no gain.   11.入乡随俗。When in Rome, do as the Romans do.   12.那恰是我所喜欢的。It#39;s my cup of tea.   13.患难见真情。A friend in need is a friend indeed.   14.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。A young idler; an old beggar.   15.熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.   16.一分耕耘,一分收获。No sweet without sweat.   17.时间就是金钱。Time is money.   18.欲速则不达。Haste makes waste.   19.说起来容易做起来难。Easier said than done.   20.人各有所好。Every man has his taste.   21.事出必有因。Nothing comes of nothing.   22.失败是成功之母。Failure is the mother of success.   23.行动比语言有力。Actions speak louder than words.   24.美德胜于美貌。Virtue is fairer than beauty.   雅思常用谚语合集2   1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。   2. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共济。   3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常乐。   4. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。   5. A guest should suit the convenience of the host. 客随主便。   6. A letter from home is a priceless treasure. 家书抵万金。   7. All rivers run into the sea. 殊途同归。   8. All time is no time when it is past. 机不可失,时不再来。   9. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。   10. As heroes think, so thought Bruce. 英雄所见略同。   11. A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。   12. Behind the mountains there are people to be found. 天外有天,山外有山。   13. Bad luck often brings good luck. 塞翁失马,安知非福。   14. Bread is the stall of life. 面包是生命的支柱。(民以食为天。)   15. Business is business. 公事公办。   16. Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 笨鸟先飞。   17. Courtesy costs nothing. 礼多人不怪。   18. Custom makes all things easy. 习惯成自然。   19. Desire has no rest. 人的欲望无止


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