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PAGE PAGE 1 英语阅读专项训练二 选题、审校:李卫红 分值:55 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Better known by his stage name KUN, Cai Xukun is a phenomenon, opening up the music industry in China. Last year, after participating in the reality TV show Idol Producer, receiving the most votes from fans, the singer-songwriter rose to fame overnight. At just 21 years old, Cai has topped Chinese music charts with multiple singles. On July 26, KUN released his newest single Young. Within just 20 seconds, it reached a million sales. KUN wrote the song to share his understanding of youth. He mixed R&B and electronic beats(节拍)to make it more cheerful. A reviewer wrote on QQ Music, "When you listen to the song, you just seem to go back to youth again." The song was an early birthday present to himself which he celebrated on Aug 2. KUN also hopes that he always has the courage to pursue(追求)his love of music, no matter what people think. "My works are like my children and I have put my best effort into them." he told the Global Times. Indeed, KUN has written and produced most of his songs on his own. "I want every piece of my work to have my own spirit in it,” he told music website Soundigest, "I feel more enjoyment when I'm performing my own work." Although KUN loves performing onstage, when the lights go down, he prefers to fall back into his own world and darkness at night. "I always get inspired when it's quiet, late at night/' he told I-D magazine, “It's a great moment for me to create new things. Sometimes, I can write songs with a melody(旋律)I heard in a dream.” To develop his introspection(反思)and find new inspiration, KUN attends different kinds of musical performances—from festivals to opera houses. "I just like to do everything, all for my music, all for my art,” he told I-D. With such talent and dedication to music, it seems that KUN will continue to make his mark in the competitive Chinese music industry. 1.What do we know about KUN's newest si


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