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PAGE PAGE 4 高二英语阅读专项训练一 选题、审校:李卫红 满分:55 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Taj Mahal, Agra As many as 28 different varieties of semi-precious and precious stones were used to decorate the outside of the Taj Mahai. Construction of the Taj Mahai took around 20 years, beginning in around 1632 and finishing around 1653. Exact dates are unknown. The building, which was made from white marble from the quarries(采石场)of Rajasthan, appears pink in the morning, white in the day and golden in the moonlight. The building is symmetrical (对称) in every way, and was built as a memorial to the wife of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. Completion date: 1653. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, Akashi Strait It took 2 million workers 10 years to construct the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge. It connects the city of Kobe, on japan's mainland, with Iwaya on Panama Canal More than 4.5 million cubic yards of concrete were used in the construction of this canal's locks and dams. The Panama Canal is a 77-kilometer long waterway that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The earth and rubble excavated to make way for it would have been enough to bury Grand Canyon Skywalk, Arizona The Skywalks foundation is strong enough to support 71 million pounds. Located 1,219 meters above the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon Skywalk consists of one million pounds of steel and 83, 000 pounds of glass. It was the creation of Las Vegas businessman David Jin, who approached the Hualapai Tribe with the idea of a glass walkway over the Grand Canyon in 1996. The Skywalk was assembled (ERLE)on site, with the drilling alone taking over a year to complete. Completion date: March 28, 2007. 1. Which of the constructions took the longest time to build? A. The Taj Mahal. B. The Akashi C. The Panama Canal. D. The Grand Canyon Skywalk. 2. The Japanese government decided to build the Akashi A. in the year of 1955 B. following public opinion C.


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