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---the paired vitelline veins and umbilical vein form hepatic sinusoids th ---at about 6 week, blood stem cell immigrate into liver from yolk sac, hemopoiesis begin ② development of pancreas ---dorsal pancreatic bud and ventral pancreatic bud: by the end of 4 th week, arise from the endoderm of caudal part of the foregut ---dorsal pancreas, ventral pancreas: pancreatic buds cells proliferate to give rise to acinus and ducts ---the ventral pancreas rotates to right-dorsal direction and fuse with dorsal pancreas ---the ventral pancreas forms the inferior part of the head of the pancreas; dorsal pancreas forms other part of pancreas ---main pancreatic duct, together with the common bile duct, enters the duodenum at the site of the major papilla 4) congenital malformations of the digestive tract ① atresia or stenosis of digestive tract: caused by failure of recanalization or improper recanalization, mostly in esophagus and duodenum ② congenital umbilical hernia: caused by incomplete closure of the central part of the abdominal wall, the viscera return to the abdomen but herniated again during the fetal period 组织胚胎学课件 七年制英文医学班专用 中国医科大学 基础医学院 组胚 — 英文教学组 Chapter 24 Development of digestive and respiratory system * digestive and respiratory system derived from primitive gut /foregut /midgut /hindgut ---epi. of digestive and respiratory system derived from endoderm ---CT and MT of digestive and respiratory system derived from splanchnic or visceral mesoderm 1. Development of digestive system 1) derivatives of pharyngeal pouch ---pharyngeal pouch: /outpocketings of endodermal lining of the primary pharynx (extends from the buccopharyngeal membrane to the tracheobronchial diverticulum) /5 pairs ---derivatives of pharyngeal pouch: ① First pharyngeal pouch: ---distal portion: widen into a sac-like structure- middle ear cavity, the branchial membrane form tympanic membrane or eardrum ---proximal part: remain narrow to form the pharyngotympanic or Eustachian tube ② Second pharyng


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