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Unit 3 Teenage problems 一、翻 1. 吃太多 __________________________ 2. 目前 ______________________________ 3. 密友 ____________________________ 4. 提前 划 ___________________________ 5. 整天工作 ________________________ 6. 准 交作 _________________________ 7. 集中 ( 精力 )_______________________ 8. 放弃做某事 ________________________ 9. 达成平衡 _________________________ 10. ??痴迷 _______________________ 11. 某人 格要求 __________________ 12. 感到 抑 __________________________ 13. 使我不开心 ______________________ 14. 呆在外面很晚 ______________________ 15. 不 地 __________________________ 16. 有我父母的支持 _____________________ 17. 关于星座的文章 __________________ 18. ??感到自豪 _____________________ 19. 遭受??的痛苦 __________________ 20. 向某人征 意 _____________________ 二、 1. I saw them ___________( 吵架 ) with each other. 2. There are some interesting _________( 文章 ) in the newspaper. 3. Work hard and you will __________( 得 ) great success. 4. He said he __________( 认为 ) Audrey Hepburn the best actress. 5. This is one of his most useful ________( 建 ). 6. You are so nervous now. You should get __________( 放松 ). 7. Don ’t make a __________( 结论 ) before you understand the problem. 8. It ’s hard for him to make a __________( 决定 ). 9. It ’s kind of you to offer us such __________( 有价 的 ) advice. 10. Failure is the mother of __________( 成功 ). 11. _________( 跑步 ) is good for you, I think. 12. Yesterday all the students were in bad _______( 心情 ) because they lost the game. 13. Daniel has some problems ________( 刷 ) the walls. 14. He spends lots of time ________( 聊天 ) with his classmates. 15. Uncle Tom ’s life is full of _________( 愁 ). 三、 ( )1. I can ’t decide ______ play football. A. to when B. when C. when to D./ ( )2. Usually I get _______ homework. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too ( )3. Would you like ______ to drink? No, thanks. I have drunk ______ already. A. something; anything B. something; something C. anything; something D. anything; anything ( )4. The teacher gives me ______ learn English. A.


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