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江苏省丹阳高级中学 2017届高一下学案26 江苏省丹阳高级中学 2017届高一下学案26 Ulgo.!v4 Tv- mi 英语 英语 PAGE # / 5 江苏省丹阳高级中学 2017届高一下学案26 江苏省丹阳高级中学 2017届高一下学案26 Ulgo.!v4 Tv- mi 英语 英语 PAGE # / 5 江苏省丹阳高级中学 2017 江苏省丹阳高级中学 2017届高一下学案26 英语 英语 PAGE # / 5 期中复习 M4 U1 Advertising 、单选题(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) Under the Dome , 103-minute documentary released by Chai Jing, has pushed public aware ness about air polluti on and en couraged people to join in efforts to make a differe nee. A. the; the. B. a; a. C. the;不填. D. a;不填 After a heavy ads campaig n, our market share has in creased 15% 60% in Asia n market . A. with, to B. to, by C. at, above D. by, to A customer is who has no complai nts. A. satisfied; people B. satisfy ing; that C. satisfy; which D. satisfied; one The news me last night those who en tered the competiti on would get a certificate. A. arrived; that B. reached; which C. got to; which D. reached; that The n ewly published book, which refers basic En glish grammar, is only for begi nners. to; pla nned D. to; inten dedB. have supposed to take to; pla nned D. to; inten ded B. have supposed to take supposed to have take You part in the party in time. Sorry, I was delayed by the accide nt. A. are supposed to take C. are supposed to have take n Anything to say about the latest talk between the two countries? A. Not exactly. B. No comment. C. I beg your pard on? D. Go ahead. They him to prepare for the coming exam, but he spe nt all day play ing computer games. A. convinced B. urged C. suggested D. made If the work by the end of the month is delayed, the con struct ion compa ny will be fin ed. A. being completed B. have bee n completed C. to be completed D. will be completed — Joh nson is said to be the first young teacher to professor in your uni versity this year. —Exactly. of his own compete nee is an importa nt factor in his success. A. promoted; Convincing. B. to have bee n promoted; Convincing C. promoted; Convin ced. D. to have bee n promoted; Bei ng convinced Can you tell me ? A. What lif


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