2021年人教版英语中考专题特训 话题9 健康与安全课件.ppt

2021年人教版英语中考专题特训 话题9 健康与安全课件.ppt

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话题9 健康与安全 分析河北近10年中考真题的书面表达可知,针对“健康与安全”这一话题,河北并未考查。 分析全国近年真题可知,“健康与安全”属于高频话题,关于此话题通常有以下命题角度:①从校园、交通、家庭、网络等方面谈中学生在日常生活中如何保证自身安全;②谈论健康的重要性及如何保持健康。2020年多数地市以新冠肺炎(COVID­19)为命题背景,从运动、饮食、情绪等方面谈在特殊时期如何保持健康;③如何保护视力。 人教教材中涉及“健康与安全”话题的单元具体如下(可参考对应教材单元记背优秀文段): 写作角度 年级、单元(Unit) 话题(Topic) 如何保持健康 八(上)Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Free time activities 八(下)Unit 1 Whats the matter? Health and first aid 如何保证自身安全 八(下)Unit 1 Whats the matter? Health and first aid 词汇短语导图 【好句积累运用】 1. We must remember that safety should always come first while swimming. (用祈使句升格) ________________________________________________________________________ 教材好句佳段 安全/健康的重要性  Please remember that safety should always come first while swimming. 2. Having a healthy body is necessary for us so that we can study better. (用it is+adj.+to do sth.升格) ______________________________________________________________ 3. 现如今,越来越多的人知道保持健康的重要性。(the importance of...) ________________________________________________________________________ Its necessary for us to have a healthy body so that we can study better. Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy/fit. 【经典语段再现】 All people want to stay in good health. Health is more important than wealth. It is true that health is the first step to success. ①_________ (想象一下), if youre sick, all you can do is ②________________ [续写生病的结果] and do nothing at all. How can you go after your dreams? Imagine this to stay in bed ③______[加入衔接词] if youre in good health, you can overcome the difficulties you meet and make your dreams come true. ④____________ [加入衔接词] health is the most important. But So 【好句积累运用】 4. Be careful with fire and heat during cooking.(用when引导的时间 状语从句升格)[冀教九(全)Unit 3 P40] _____________________________________________________________ 如何自我保护    Be careful with fire and heat when you cook. 5. Never use electricity in the shower or bathtub.(扩写结果)[冀教九(全) Unit 3 P40] _____________________________________________________________ 6. Keep the bathroom floo



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