TQM全面质量管理培训讲义质量管理与实务训练(ppt41) .pptx

TQM全面质量管理培训讲义质量管理与实务训练(ppt41) .pptx

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特聘教授 首席运营官;;优等品 一等品 合格品;我国工业产品质量水平划分;什么是质量?;什么是质量?;ISO9000对质量的定义 94版本 2000版;;;;第一方质量认证:;第一方质量认证;;如果说安全是员工的生命线的话, 那么质量便是企业的生命线;案例;;;戴明全面质量管理的14要点;戴明全面质量管理14要点(续); 7. The responsibility of foremen must be changed from sheer numbers to quality...[which] will automatically improve productivity. Management must prepare to take immediate action on reports from foremen concerning barriers such as inherited defects, machines not maintained, poor tools, fuzzy operational definitions.;10. Eliminate numerical goals, posters, and slogans for the work force, asking new levels of productivity without providing methods.;12. Remove barriers that stand between the hourly worker and his or her right to pride of workmanship. ;Quality Circles: Gangs vs. Teams;Packer;QCC;案例学习;当PDCA cycle和「七步骤方法」结合,便是: Plan 1)Select and describe problem 第一步:寻找问题: 2)Study present system 第二步:研究现时生产方法 3)Identify possible causes 第三步:找出各种原因 Do 4)Plan and implement solution 第四步:计划及制定解决方法 Check 5)Evaluate effects 第五步:检查效果 Act 6)Standardize solution 第六步:把有效方法制度化 7)Reflect on process and 第七步:检讨成效并发展新目标。 develop future plans ; VOB 业务之音;Supplier Warehouse; Process for Improvement ;Control;;;;; IE: Industry Engineering 工业工程 GP: Gross Profit 毛利 TOC: Theory of Constraints 限制理论 ITR: Inventory Turnover Ratio 库存周折率 DFSS: Design for Six Sigma 六个西格码设计方法 ROE: Return on Equity 净资产收益率 MSA: Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析


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