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2021年1月汇报人:培养一种语言Product DevelopmentSpecify Build Test Sell$$$●●Scrum●Agile●●?也。r?Tv/作向L卜公的wArr 7\) iC严s飞〉 二 ’.,- ( u川I old.巴ltu.、月'/~步(飞 8 队( ι俨’岛四 d(J p嗣"-""t;.,(70!。f‘11l气以2 t1History21 June 1948且吊ιk 「白缸~\ 9( 1;但l :南且 ”也 坐护, rιhpEFF丁宝n- · 四,。aThiot-2--3E Lh唁电fb7qqa-kil--,lf司嗣.llll tr IOt c,, rJNothing was ever the same againContext# Languages that I could learn vs. time19772015205319481986Too manewlettPackardVectra45945AIntroduced1985256KBRAM -Expandable to3.64MBwithexpansionslots 80286CPUat8Mz20MBor40MBharddisk 2x5.25inchfloppydrives●●●●Source: /h/t/tp/:///ww/w/.hpmuseum.ne/t//20158 Gbytes memory (x 32,000) 4 – core – 2.5GHz (x 1,000)250 GB SSD (x10,000)●●●The machine is1000xfaster–so a 60 secondboottime in1985 should be60msin 2014:-)What went wrong?。,.,,4·0l守 {.I 1 ι3r o12..队沃崔 1).5_t份ts 一r‘--.』 唰卢卢〈子1986Start with a problemHow can we program telephony? - Erlang How can we describe a page? - Postscript How can we program a set-top box? - Java How can we experiment with types? - Haskell How can we parse natural language? - Prolog How can we do statistical computations? - R...How can we confuse people? - Xcode●●●●●●●●ER ICSSON i5.s,:·,H·c-·,r,r1ιJlrJW耐I I:..=:号唰喇昌酣冒噎? -"-'a?唱k国啕踵,l.i,.ir ...·.it/Wi,咽A?h句.,., , ,”晶伽J 圈’4’晤’胃f L ?.W,圃’白蜡‘砸自帽句阳幢 幢噎MW ’翩 翩 ’ 司,The Reduction machineP → a Q R b Q → R cR → dPa Q R b Q R b R c R b d c R b c R b R bd bb εP,Q,R, ... arefunctionsa,b,c … are primitives4 reduction machines running in parallelPa Q R b Q R b R c R b d c R b c R b R bd b bεPa Q R b Q R b R c R b d c R b c R b R bd b bεPa Q R b Q R b R c R b d c R b c R b R bd bb εPa Q R b Q R b R c R b d c R b c R b R bd bb εSuspending and resuming a computationFetch Computation from databasePa Q R b Q R b R c R b d c R bStore the last row in a databaseSuspendResumed c R b c R b R bd bb εMessage PassingT→ K send P1 {x U} S……...send P1 {x U} S SP → Q receive R S Q → aP1 = spawn(P) Q receive R S a receive R S receive R SSuspendsx U R SThe story so far ...A su


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