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个人资料整理 仅限学习使用 个人资料整理 仅限学习使用 摘要 人类正面临着石油和煤炭等矿物燃料枯竭的严重威胁,太阳能作为一种新型能源具 有储量无限、普遍存在、利用清洁、使用经济等优点,但是太阳能又存在着低密度、间 歇性、空间分布不断变化的缺点,这就使目前的一系列太阳能设备对太阳能的利用率不 高。太阳光线自动跟踪装置解决了太阳能利用率不高的问题。本文对太阳能跟踪系统进 行了机械设计和自动跟踪系统控制部分设计。 第一,机械部分设计: 机械结构主要包括底座、主轴、齿轮和齿圈等。当太阳光线发生偏离时,控制部分 发出控制信号驱动步进电机 1带动小齿轮1转动,小齿轮带动大齿轮和主轴转动,实现 水平方向跟踪;同时控制信号驱动步进电机 2带动小齿轮2,小齿轮2带动齿圈和太阳能 板实现垂直方向转动,通过步进电机 1、步进电机2的共同工作实现对太阳的跟踪。 第二,控制部分设计: 主要包括传感器部分、信号转换电路、单片机系统和电机驱动电路等。系统采用光 电检测追踪模式实现对太阳的跟踪。传感器采用光敏电阻,将两个完全相同的光敏电阻 分别放置于一块电池板东西方向边沿处下方。当两个光敏电阻接收到的光强度不相同 时,通过运放比较电路将信号送给单片机,驱动步进电机正反转,实现电池板对太阳的 跟踪。 关键词 太阳能;跟踪;光敏电阻;单片机;步进电机 Abstract Huma n being is seriously threate ned by exhausti ng min eral fuel, such as coal and fossil oil. As a kind of new type of en ergy sources, solar en ergy has the adva ntages of un limited reserves, existing everywhere,using clean and economical .But it also has disadvantages,such as low density,intermission,change of space distributing and so on.These make that the current series of solar en ergy equipme nt for the utilizati on of solar en ergy is not high. In order to keep the en ergy excha nge part to plumb up the solar beam,it must track the moveme nt of solar」n this paper, the solar track ing system of the mecha ni cal part and con trol system part are desig ned. First,the mecha ni cal part is desig ned. Mecha ni cal structure mainly in cludes the main spin dle, stepp ing motors, gears and gear ring, and so on. Whe n the suns rayshas a deviati on, small gear arerotated by stepper motor accord ing to the con trol sig nal from MCU. And the large gear and mai n spi ndle is rotated by small gear in order to track to achieve the level directio n.At the same time, ano ther small gear is rotated by ano ther stepper motor accordi ng to the con trol sig nal.A nd the large gear and the solar pan els are rotated by the small gear in order to track to achieve the vertical directi on. Solar is tracked by the two stepper motors together. Second, con trol system part is desig ned. Control system mainly includesth


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