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备战2021高考英语作文写作高分必备的句型素材积累 【句型】 There is a trend in sth. toward sth. There is a widespread concern over / on sth. There is universal awareness of sth. 这几个表示“存在”的There be 句型在写作中很实用,希望各位活学活用。 e.g: There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. (2017全国卷I 语法填空) (可用于健康与保健话题作文) e.g: Currently, there is a widespread concern over parent-child relationship. (可用于人际关系、情感态度话题作文) e.g: At present, there is universal awareness of environmental protection. (可用于自然与环保话题作文) 【仿写】 随着中国经济的发展,全世界掀起了学汉语的潮流。 (可用于语言学习、兴趣爱好话题作文) 随着互联网的发展,人们越来越关注社交媒体营销。 (可用于社会与大众传媒话题作文) 【句型】 It is high time (that) ... 这个句型可以用在作文结尾,表达一种号召或提议。意为“到了该做......的时候了”。that从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用过去式或should+v.原形(should 不能省略)。 e.g: It is high time that I should make a resolution to lose weight. (可用于饮食健康主题作文) e.g: It is high time that you broke out of your shell and started making new friends. (可用于友谊、人际关系主题作文) e.g: It is high time that we should take action to protect our earth. (可用于环保主题作文) 同义表达简单句: It is time for sth. It is time (for sb.) to do sth. 【仿写】 今天是2018年的最后一天,到了我们列2019新年书单的时候了。 新年即将到来,到了我们该许下新年决心的时候了。 【句型】 It is acknowledged that ... 这是个主语从句,it 作形式主语,that 从句是真正主语。含义为“......是大家所公认的”、“大家公认......”、“人们普遍认为......”。 e.g: It is acknowledged that Spring Festival is China's most important traditional festival. (可用于节假日主题作文) e.g: It is acknowledged that a good start to the year will lead to a lucky year. (可用于节假日主题作文) e.g: It is acknowledged that smartphones play an important role in our daily life. (可用于科技与生活主题作文) 此处“公认”这个含义可替换为accepted, recognized等: It is accepted / recognized that ... 为了增强感情色彩,可适当增加副词修饰语: It is universally / widely / generally acknowledged that ... 【仿写】 大家公认屠呦呦是20世纪最伟大人物之一。 (可用于人物介绍主题作文) 大家普遍认为***是当之无愧的最美中学生。 (可用于学校生活主题作文) 【句型】Word came that ... 这是一个that引导的同位语从句,含义为“消息传来”、“有消息说...”。 e.g: Word came that The Wandering Earth could be China's breakout blockbuster of science fiction film. e.g: Word came that The Wandering Earth gained 1.4 billion yuan of box o


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