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PAGE 27 消费产业国内外研究综述及基地研究方向建议 一、消费产业的概念内涵 消费资料产业是现代社会国民经济中的一个产业部门,是指为社会提供消费资料的产业。按照德国经济学家霍夫曼提出的产业分类法,以研究工业化进程中产业结构之间的比例关系和变动趋势为目的,按产品用途进行产业分类,消费资料产业是为社会提供消费资料的产业,如食品工业、纺织工业等。工业产品75%以上属于消费资料。所以,消费资料产业是一个庞大的产业。 泛消费类行业,广义上等同于消费类行业,是指人类通过货币购买有形或无形的商品或服务所形成的行业。从行业的角度,泛消费类行业包括消费类行业,以及与消费类行业密切相关、紧密相连的行业,前者如饮食业、餐饮业,后者如运输业、银行业。按照经济学理论,人类的经济行为包括生产、分配、交换、消费,消费类行业是从狭义的产业角度描述消费行为,而泛消费类行业则是从广义的产业角度描述消费行为。泛消费类行业主要包括食品、饮料、日用品、服装、传媒、金融、旅游等。 DEFINITION of 'Consumer Goods Sector 1. A category of stocks and companies that relate to items purchased by individuals rather than by manufacturers and industries. This sector includes companies involved with food production, packaged goods, clothing, beverages, automobiles and electronics. 2. Providers of goods with the primary purpose of direct consumption by individual consumers. Includes durable and non-durable goods, used once or multiple times. 3. the consumer industry sells products and services directly to the consumer, as opposed to the "capital goods industry," which manufactures goods for sale to other companies. 4. The marketing of goods, such as food and clothing, that satisfy personal needs and desires. Consumer goods are marketed directly to individuals rather than businesses. Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS?) Consumer Discretionary Sector: The Consumer Discretionary Sector encompasses those businesses that tend to be the most sensitive to economic cycles. Its manufacturing segment includes automotive, household durable goods, leisure equipment and textiles & apparel. The services segment includes hotels, restaurants and other leisure facilities, media production and services, and consumer retailing and services. Consumer Staples Sector: The Consumer Staples Sector comprises companies whose businesses are less sensitive to economic cycles. It includes manufacturers and distributors of food, beverages and tobacco and producers of non-durable household goods and personal products. It also includes food & drug retail


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