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经导管弹簧圈栓塞法治疗脾动脉瘤的临床疗效 摘要目的:评估经导管腔内弹簧圈栓塞术治疗脾动脉瘤的安全性、可行件及疗效。方法:收集2008年3月~2010年9 月我院9例脾动脉瘤患者,其中真性动脉瘤7例,假性动脉瘤2例。5例瘤体位于脾动脉屮段,3例位于近段,1例接近脾门。 所育患者均经CTA和(或)MRA确诊。其中6例其性动脉瘤采用经导管弹簧圈依次栓塞载瘤动脉远端、瘤腔和载瘤动脉近端; 余3例栓塞载瘤动脉远端和近端。术后随访6?24个月,依据CT增强/CTA及术后临床表现评估栓塞疗效。结果:9例脾动脉 瘤栓塞均获得成功,术后未出现严匝并发症。I例患者有轻度脾梗死(面积约10%):另1例患者术后12个月因肝癌恶化死亡。 8例存活患者CT复杳示痫腔及脾动脉未再通,栓塞良好。结论:经导管弹赞圈栓塞瘤腔及载斓动脉远近端治疗脾动脉斓安全 可行且效果良好。 关键词 脾动脉痫;弹费圈栓塞;远近端;痫腔 Transcatheter Embolization with Spring Coils for the Treatment of Splenic Artery Aneurysms Abstract Objective: lb assess the safety, feasibility and effectiveness of transcatheter embolization with spring coils for【he treatment of splenic artery aneurysms (SAAs). Methods: 9 patients (3 males and 6 females; range, 36 to 66; mean, 52), collected in the hospital from March 2008 to September 2010, underwent the treatment of transcatheter embolization via spring coils? 7 SAAs were tnie-aneurysms and the remaining 2 were pseudoaneurj*sms. Tlie lesions were in the middle of the splenic arteiy (n=5)5 at the proximal site (n=3) and close to the splenic hilum (n=l). All the sick were certainly diagnosed as SAAs with CTA and (or) MRA. Part of truc-ancurysms (n=6) were occluded with coils in the distal artcry of aneurysms, the ancurismal lumen and the proximal artery scqucntly while the rest of SAAs (n=3) were done in lhe distal and proximal arteries. All patients were followed up tor 6 lo 24 months alter the procedure? The post-embolization effects were evaluated according to the clinical manifestations and enhanced CT (or CTA). Results: All the SAAs (100%) were successfully occluded with spring coils. No serious complicalions occurred in the tollow-up period. I patient manifested mild splenic infarction (about 10% of areas); another one died from the deterioration of hepatic cancer 12 months later. All live patients (n=8) had no occurrence of splenic artery re-canalization and the aneurysms never reshaped again. Conclusion: Transcatheter embolization with spring coils is a safe and effe


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