修改版质惠双重礼到店更惊喜经销商市场推广指导书tactic campaign dealer marketing and communication instructions.pdf

修改版质惠双重礼到店更惊喜经销商市场推广指导书tactic campaign dealer marketing and communication instructions.pdf

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“质惠双重礼 到店更惊喜”- 经销商市场推广指导书 Tactic Campaign Dealer Marketing and Communication Instructions 市场推广部 部门 Division Marketing Communication 版本号 Version 01 更新日期 Date 2015-04 1 目录catalog 促销攻势传播策略 1 Tactical Campaign Communication Strategy 传统广告传播 2 Traditional Advertising 数字广告传播 3 Digital Advertising 展厅物料 4 POSM 传播 5 PR 促销攻势- 传播背景 Tactical Campaign- Context 1. 2015年,汽车市场的竞争格局急剧恶化,各大汽车厂商纷纷使用各种大力度价格促销手段以稳定或 提升市场份额,给一汽大众及经销商伙伴施加了巨大的销售压力; The compe ion of automobile market is becoming more intense in 2015. Every car manufacturer tries to strengthen their promotions to keep or improve their market share and it will bring more sales pressure on FAW-VW and dealer partners. 2. 面对 ,为快速提升销量,增加经销商 ,缓解经销商资金压力,一汽大众斥巨资启动了二季 度促销攻势; Facing this challenge, in order to pull up sales volume quickly, FAW-VW is investing a huge budget to start promotion in Q2 to increase dealer benefit and relieve dealer’s financial pressure. 3. 一汽大众二季度促销攻势,首先为用户提供了全系车型的保险、金融、置换三选一的大礼包,更重 要的是通过加大经销商的 激励,在终端店头为用户提供了更大空间的购车 。 In this promotion, FAW-VW supplies all customers offer packages: insurance, interest and trade in, from which customers can choo ne when purchase any model of FAW-VW. More important, FAW-VW offers more discount in re l with a better incentive. 促销攻势- 传播目标 Tactical Campaign- Objectives 1. 结合 《二季度促销 》,快速 地传播一汽大众的促销 和高品质产品,保证高关注


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