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东湖山水秀美,景观别致、风光迷人。东湖风景区共分为五大景区,目前已 对外开放的有听涛、 磨山、吹笛、落雁四大景区, 景观景点 100 多处。水域浩瀚,据说是杭州西湖的 6 倍,有 12 个大小湖泊, 120 多个岛渚星罗, 110 多公里湖岸线曲折,环湖 34 座山峰绵延起伏, 10000 余亩山林林木葱郁,湖水镜映,山体如屏,山色如画。东湖一年四季,景色诱人;春季山青水绿、鸟语花香;夏季水 上泛舟,清爽宜人;秋季红叶满山,丹桂飘香;冬季踏雪赏梅,候鸟竞翔。 翻译: The East Lake which is located in Wuhan has beautifullandscape, unique and charming scenery. Having over 100 scenic spots, it can be divided into five major scenic areas, but now only open four scenic areas to visitors named Listening to Wave, Mo Hill, Blowing the Flute , and Falling the Wild Goose. The vast expanse of water which is said to be six times the size of the West Lake in Hangzhou has 12 small lakes, more than 120 islands, over 110km of shoreline twists and turns, then 34 rolling peaks around, and 10,000 mu of lush forest. The lake looks like a mirror, and the picturesque mountains look like the screen. the scenery of East Lake is very attractive throughout the year that everything full of life and vitality in spring with singing birds and fragrant flowers, people raft on the lake in summer refreshingly and pleasantly, the mountains are covered with read autumn leaves in autumn, and the orange osmanthus pervade there with the fragrance of blossoms, then with migratory birds flying in the sky in winter, people would like to appreciate snow and plum trees.


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