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福建青山纸业公司的网络营销策略研究 摘要 网络营销是借助于联机网络,电脑通信和数字交互式媒体来实现营销H标的一?种市场 营销方式。互联网络是一种功能强大的营销工具,它同时兼具渠道、促销、电子交易、互 动顾客服务以及市场信息收集分析与提供的多种功能。它以声光互动沟通的特质,作为跨 时空的媒体,已深深吸引了广大企业和顾客。 九十年代初,飞速发展的国际互联网(Internet)促使网络技术应用的指数增长,全 球范用内掀起应用耳联网热,世界各人公司纷纷上网提供信息服务和拓展业务范亂积极 改组企业内部结构和发展新的管理营销方法,抢搭这班世纪之车。二十一世纪是信息社会 年代,科技、经济和社会的发展正在迎接这个时代的到来,随着计算机网络的发展,信息 社会的内涵有了进一步的改变,并称Z为信息网络的年代。在信息网络年代,网络技术的 发展和应用改变了信息的分配和接受方式,改变了人们牛活、工作、学习、合作和交流的 环境,企业也必须积极利用新技术变革企业经营理念、经营组织、经营方式和经营方法, 搭上技术发展的快速便车,促使企业飞速发展。 本文通过对福建青山纸业股份有限公司(下文简称青纸或青山纸业)的网络营销策略 的分析与研究,深入、具体的对网络营销进行了阐述,并对其不足之处提出改善建议及措 施,以期对青山纸业网络营销工作方而的改进和完善有一定参考价值。 关键词:网络营销 青山纸业营销策略 The E-marketing strategy of FUJian QingShan paper Abstract The E-marketing is a way to sell with the help of network. computer communication and interchangeable digital media, it has incomparable superiority. Internet is a powerful marketing tool. At the came time, it has some functions such as channel. promotion. electronic transaction. interchangeable consumer service, collecting and analyzing market infonnation as well as providing information. alternating communication by sound and light is characteristic of it as a medium over time and space, it has attracted numbers of companies and customers. At the beginning of 90 s, The rapid development internet urges the network tech no logy applied tion the exp onent ial growth, Tn the global scope raises applies the Internet to be hot, world each big company accesses the net in abundance provides theinformation service and the development business scope,positively reorganizes the enterprise internal structure and developsthe new management marketing method, Snatches rides vehicle of the this class century. The 21st century are the information society ages, technical, the economical and societys development is greeting thistime the arrival, Along with computer network developme nt, info rma/ti on societys con note tion had the further cha nge, A nd calls it the information network age. In information network age, the network technology deve


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