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Examination of chapter one Concepts of oil * Section 3 Permeability(渗透率) of Reservoir Rocks 1. Darcys Law(达西定律) Hydraulic head of section 1: Hydraulic head of section 2: 1.1 Darcy’s experiment Permeability is a the ability of the formation to conduct fluids. Converted pressure Darcy’s low(达西定律): k—Permeability(渗透率) A-cross sectional area Absolute permeability(绝对渗透率) of a rock is the ability of the rock to allow a fluid with which it is saturated to flow through its pores. Darcy’s law suppose that: (1)There is no reaction between fluid and rock. (2)There is only one fluid present. The proe space must be 100% saturated with the flowing fluid. (3)Laminar flow in the porous medium. The flow rate will be sufficiently low to be directly proportional to the pressure gradient. The differential form: 1.2 The Units of darcy’s low 1 darcy = 1000 mD(毫达西) 1cP(厘泊)=1mPa.s The international unit: The Dacy unit: = 10-8 cm2 = 1um2 1darcy(达西)= 1cm3/s×1cP×1cm 1cm2×1atm 1cm3/s×1mPa.s×1cm 1cm2×105Pa = 1D=1um2 The mixed unit: X—flow direction (1)Horizontal linear flow: 1.3 Darcy’s law for simplified systems P2 P1 (2)vertical flow: (3)Radial flow(径向流): rw r Pe Pw re r 2. Darcy’s Equation for Gases Flow (1) Gas Permeability According to Mariotte- Boyle’s law: Q1 P1 P2 Q2 dL Po Qo In Darcy’s law the volume flow rate is constant. In steady gas flow, the mass flow rate is constant, but the volume flow rate is not constant. For a liquid, the molecules move faster in the center than that along the wall of the tube. But for a gas, the moving velocities are almost the same in the tube. This characteristic of gas flowing in the capillary tube is called the slippage effect or Klinkenberg effect( ~ 效应). (2) Klinkenberg effect (~效应) or Slippage effect (气体滑动效应) Factors affect the Klinkenberg effect: Mean pressure; Molecular weight of gas。 Kg≠KL (3)The characteristic of permeability measured by gas: ⑶ all the lines when extrapolated to infinite mean pressure intercept t
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