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数据中心网络拓扑感知型拥塞控制算法 数据中心网络;拥塞控制;拓扑感知;最大流最小割定理; 自适应路由;动态权重分配 TP393 To solve the congestion problem of links in Data Center Network (DCN),a TopologyAware Congestion Control ( TACC) algorithm was proposed in data center networks. According to the properties of multidimensional orthogonality and singledimensional full mesh in the generalized hypercube , a topologyaware strategy was put forward to find the disjoint routes of distributing the request of flow by the maxflow mincut theorem. Then , the number of disjoint routes was adjusted adaptively for satisfying the bandwidth requirement. Finally , the weighted value of selected routes was utilized to adjust dynamically the distributing rate of per routes flow. The algorithm can relieve the network congestion , balance the load of links and reduce the pressure of recombining data in the destination. The experiments show that the load of links are balanced perfectly and the deployment of the algorithm is realized easily in comparison with Link Criticality Routing Algorithm (LCRA), Multipath Oblivious Routing Algorithm ( MOR)A , MinCut MultiPath ( MCM)P and CongestionFree Routing Strategy (CFRS) . Data Center Network ( DCN); congestion control ; topologyaware ;maxflow mincut theorem ;adaptive routing ; dynamic weight distribution 0 引言 近年来云应用的普及, 使网络流量呈指数式增长, 这给传统 数据中心网络(Data Center Network , DCN)的承载能力带来 了前所未有的挑战 [1-3] 。网络流量的突发性和现有网络路由算 法的不足更是加剧了 DCN的链路拥塞问题。通过大规模增加网络 设备资源来缓解链路拥塞问题, 一方面损害了运营商利益, 另一 方面也增加了系统的能耗,这违背了绿色数据中心建设的要求。 考虑到网络中还有很多设备由于路由算法的缺陷始终处于低负 载或者空载的状态, 并且随着网络时代的发展, 云用户对于网络 服务质量和等级提出了新的需求, 所以寻找更高效的路由算法来 控制和协调现有网络设备资源成为更为科学的解决方法。 这就是 DCN的流量工程(Traffic Engineering ,TE)的目标。目前广 泛使用的多协议标签交换( MultiProtocol Label Switching , MPLS网络具有易于部署新的路由算法的特点, 这也为解决网络 拥塞问题的流量工程 [4-7] 实现提供了良好的基础。 有带宽保证的TE路由算法[8-12]的相关研究不断涌现。针 对网络流的干扰问题,贝尔实验室提出了最小干扰路由算法 (Minimum Interference Routing Algorithm , MIRA) [8] ,它 的主要思想是在源目的(OriginDestination , OD)节点间选择 尽可能少的关键链路来建立流量请求分布的路径, 使之对未来网 络流产生的干扰最小。MIRA将进出节点信息纳入算法考虑,在 一定程度上缓解了关键链路的拥塞问题; 但在实现过程中, 在线 阶段


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