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Part 1(line1~6) Part 2-1(line7~11) Part 2-2(line12~16) Part 3(line17~23) Read the rest (line7-23)and then fill in the form * * Unit 1 Past and Present Reading (1) Times have changed interview sb. An interview with Mr. Chen marry get married,young fifty years later,old have changed a lot Past Present wife husband Beijing Sunshine Town in the past Mr. Chen first lived in the northern part of town got married moved two blocks away old houses a small cinema old people play Chinese chess market stalls 摊棚 People used to play Chinese chess in the street. Now people can play chess on the Internet. At present In the past Sunshine Town has changed a lot. People used to live in old houses. Old houses have turned into new tall flats. Now they live in new tall flats. In the past At present There have been great changes in Sunshine Town. The old cinema has turned into a nice theatre. People used to see films in an old cinema. Now they go to a nice theatre. In the past At present Great changes have taken place in Sunshine Town. Sunshine River in the past in the northern part of dirty a steel factory used to put its waste into polluted the river water pollution What happened? the government realized the problem today’s Sunshine River much cleaner took action to improve the situation In the past At present The river used to be dirty. Now it is much cleaner. The dirty river has turned into a clean one. There have been great changes in Sunshine Town. Great changes have taken place in Sunshine Town. Sunshine Town has changed a lot. =There have been great changes in Sunshine Town. =Great changes have taken place in Sunshine Town. Useful expressions 1. get married 结婚 2. change a lot 变化很大 3. turn into… 变成为… 4. put the waste into the river 将废弃物倾倒在河里 5. used to do sth.过去经常做某事 6. improve the situation 改善状况 7. feel a bit/a little lonely from time to time 时常感到有点寂寞 Useful expressions


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