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06.Production, Information Costs and Economic Organization生产、信息 费用与经济组织 A. A .阿尔钦H .登姆塞茨 The mark of a capitalistic society is that resources are owned and allocated by such Resource owners increase productivitynongovernmental organizations as firms, households, and markets. 资本主义社会的标志是资源 由一些非政府组织如企业、家庭、市场所有和配置。 Resource owners increase productivity through cooperative specialization and this leads to the demand for economic organizations 能促进合作的经济组织的需求。which facilitate cooperation. 资源的所有者通过专业化的协作来提高生产率,由此产生了对那种 能促进合作的经济组织的需求。 When a lumber mill employs a cabinetmaker, cooperation between specialists is achieved within a firm, and when a cabinetmaker purchases wood from a lumberman, the cooperation takes place across markets (or between firms). 一家木材加工厂雇 佣一位木工时,专业化合作是在一个企业内部达成的,而当一位木匠从伐木工那儿购买木料时, 合作则是通过市场 (或企业之间) 来实现的。 Two important problems face a theory of economic organization to explain the conditions that determine whether the gains from specialization and cooperative production can better be obtained within an organization like the firm, or across markets, and to explain the structure of the organization. 当经济组织理论必须正视两个重要的问 题—— 解释 1 )哪些条件决定了,在组织内部(企业)进行专业化及合作生产,比通过市场进行 生产的收益更好; 2 )这种组织的结构 It is common to see the firm characterized by the power to settle issues by fiat, by authority, or by disciplinary action superior to that available in the conventional market. 一般认为, 企业的 特点能够是以优于普通的市场的力量来解决问题 (如命令、权威或纪律化行为)。This is delusion. It has noThe firm does not own all its inputs. 这是一种幻觉。企业并不拥有自己所有的投入。 It has no power of fiat, no authority, no disciplinary action any different in the slightest degree from ordinary market contracting between any two people. 它也不具有命令、强制及对纪律约束的行 动的权利,这同任何两个人之间普通的市场合约没有丝毫不同。 I can punish you only by withholding future business or by seeking redress in the courts for any failure to honor our exchange agreement. 对于你损害我们的交换协议,我只能以中止未来的业务或诉诸法院来获得 补偿,对你进行 “惩罚”。 That is exactly all that any employer can do. He can fire or sue, just as I can fire my g


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