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Animal histology and embryology Epithelium 上皮组织 Epithelium 上皮组织 Introduction An epithelium is a sheet of cells which lines a lumen of an organ or covers an organ surface. Epithelial tissues are composed of closely aggregated polyhedral cells with very little extracellular substance, performing the principal functions of protection, absorption, secretion, sensation, and contractility. 上皮广泛分布于体表或衬于有腔器官的腔面,上皮由大量排列紧密的 上皮细胞和少量的细胞间质组成。具有保护、吸收、分泌、感觉和收缩 等功能。 Epithelium 上皮组织 No blood and lymph vessels present in epithelium, the nutrients needed are supplied through basement membrane by blood vessels in connective tissues. Epithelia are divided into five groups according to their structure and function: covering epithelia, glandular epithelia, sensory epithelium, germinal epithelium and myoepithelium. 上皮组织中大都无血管分布,所需营养依靠结缔组织中的血管透过 基膜供应。上皮组织分为被覆上皮、腺上皮、感觉上皮、生殖上皮和 肌上皮。 Epithelium 上皮组织 Covering epithelia 被覆上皮 Covering epithelia lines and covers all free surfaces of the body, both the external body surfaces and all internal surfaces.  Covering epithelia can be further classified into simple epithelium and stratified epithelium on the basis of the number of cell layers and the shape of the cells in the surface layer. 被覆上皮分布于体表或衬于有腔器官的腔面。根据上皮的层次和形态, 被覆上皮又可分为单层上皮和复层上皮。 Epithelium 上皮组织 Simple epithelium contains only one layer of cells, including: squamous, cuboidal, columnar, pseudostratified epithelia. Stratified epithelium contains more than one layer,including: squamous, cuboidal, columnar, and transitional. 单层上皮包括单层扁平上皮、单层立方上皮、单层柱状上皮、假复层纤 毛柱状上皮;复层上皮包括复层扁平上皮、复层立方上皮、复层柱状上皮 和变移上皮。 E


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