
新概念英语综合版第二册NCE2 Lesson94(共9个样品课件).ppt

新概念英语综合版第二册NCE2 Lesson94(共9个样品课件).ppt

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新概念英语综合版第二册NCE2 Lesson94(共9个样品课件).ppt

★ reluctant adj. 勉强的,不愿意的(unwilling) 勉強的答复 a reluctant answer be reluctant to do 不愿做某事 这段日子我不愿工作。 I am reluctant to work these days . reluctantly adv. 不情愿地、厌恶的(unwillingly ) ★ weight n. 重物、分量;价值、重要性。 这金币有多重? What’s the weight of this gold coin ? 它重50克。 It is 50 grams in weight . net weight 净重 gross weight 毛重 weigh v. 秤……重量 ,有…….重;盘算。 他用手秤一秤鱼有多重。 The man weighed the fish by hand . 她在心中盘算这些主意。 She weighed the ideas in her mind. ★ underwater adj. 水下面的 水下照像机 an underwater camera under- 前缀: (1) ……之下的 underarm 腋下的 underground 地下的 underline 加下划线的 (2) 不足够的 underage 未成年的 ★ compete vi. (1) 比赛,对抗(通常与 with或 against连用): 孩子们比赛看谁先到达游泳池的另一端。 The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool. 在歌咏比赛中,玛丽与海伦争夺一等奖。 During the singing contest, Mary competed with Helen for the first prize.  匹敌 ,比得上,媲美(通常与with连用,多用于否定句) 休的房子比不上你的。 Hughs house cant compete with yours.  他后来的书没有一本能比得上第一本。 None of his later books can compete with his first one.  competition n. ?竞争,比赛 be in competition with 与…….的竞争 他们为了奖品在互相竞争。 They were in competition with each other for the prize competitive ?a. 竞争的;好竞争的;有竞争力的 我们得更加努力工作来保持与其他公司的竞争力。 We need to work harder to remain competitive with other companies. competitor ?n. 竞争者;比赛者 超过100名参赛者参加了比赛。 Over 200 competitors entered for the race. ★ yard n. 码(缩写为y/ yd ) 左转,沿着街道大约再走两百码。 Turn left, then walk down the street about two hundred yards. 长度单位 : 英寸 inch 英尺 foot 米 meter ★ gasp (1) v. 喘气、上气不接下气、透不过气 He gasped for breath . 他喘不过气来。 (2)v. 喘着气说 ……(与out连用) 她气喘吁吁地说了这个消息。 She gasped out the news . 我的房子著火了,”那人气喘吁吁地说。 “My house is on fire , “ gasped the man . (3) v.(因惊吓、恐吓引起的) 屏息、喘息 gasp with surprise = gasp in surprise 吃惊地屏住呼吸 (4) n. 屏息、喘息、接不上气 in short gasps 气喘吁吁 at one’s last gasp 奄奄一息地 Today well listen to a story about how young children learn to swim. What have experiments proved?


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