维克多英语新方略课件unit 29交通.ppt

维克多英语新方略课件unit 29交通.ppt

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《高考总复习全效新方略》 课件 词 性 词义 n. adj. adv. v. 不规则pt./pp. delay speed stick trap drink break safe v delay n 速度 speed v 粘住;阻塞 stuck / stuck v 把……困住 v 喝 v 破裂;违反 broken adj 安全的 safety drank / drunk Section 1 音、形、义 sped / sped broke / broken safely 耽误;延误 take off Section 2 词块 1. (飞机等) 起飞 2. 系好安全带 3. 有 (……的) 危险 4. 高峰时间 fasten one’s seat belt / seatbelt in danger (of) rush hour a traffic jam 5. 交通堵塞 6. 卡住;陷入 7. 抛锚 8. 使停顿;停止下来 get/be stuck in break down hold up knock down 9. 撞倒 10. 在船上 (飞机上等) 11. 登机牌 12. 加速 on board a boarding card speed up slow down 13. 减速 14. 遵守交通规则 15. 违反交通规则 16. 驾照 follow/obey/observe the traffic rules break / violate the traffic rules a driving license drunk / drunken driving 17. 醉驾 18. 直行 19. 头等舱 20. 经济舱 go straight first class economy class raise traffic safety awareness 21. 提高交通安全意识 22. 超速 23. 取消航班 break the speed limit cancel a flight Section 3 语法填空 1. My flight ______________________ (delay) because of the heavy rain. 2. They got _______________ (stick / trap) in a traffic jam. 3. When we saw the road _________________ (block) with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. 4. Tom went off ____________ the direction of the post. was delayed stuck/trapped blocked in 5. _____________ arriving at the top of the hill, we were deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery. 6. China’s high-speed railways ___________ (grow) from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the past few years. 7. The train _________________ (schedule) to arrive at 10, but it was running 20 minutes late. On / Upon have grown is scheduled Section 4 释义 1. I remember all too well my first traffic ticket. For an over-confident and impatient teenager, the new-found freedom of driving was a bit thrilling. 2. Just as I reached the crossing, the light turned yellow, I sped up immediately but without warning the car was dead. 3. The plane takes off at 6. 罚单 加速; (飞机) 起飞 熄火 4. Her singing career took off


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