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Lesson 69;If you want to buy some bread, where are you?;Where is it?;If you want to buy some pens, envelopes, glue and, where are you?;Lesson 69;year n.年 race n.比赛 town n.城镇 crowd n.人群 stand v.站立 exciting a.使人激动的 just ad.正好,恰好 finish n.结尾,结束 winner n.获胜者 behind prop.在…之后 way n.路途 stationer n.文具商 Denmark n.丹麦;单词学习;Learn the text;The car race;;;用介词at和in的时间短语;2、用介词in的时间短语: 一天中的某段时间(in the evening) 月份(in March) 年份(in 1997) 季节(in spring) 世纪(in the 20th century) 节日(in Easter week 复活节) 【时间长的】 时期(in the holidays) ;总结;Exercises P140; There is a car race near our town every year. In 1995, there was a very big race.;;hundreds of ;;;2;;; ;; … ?home,?my?wife?… to?me,?’Don’t?…? so?… !? You’re?not?Billy Stewart!’ ;There is (be的适当形式 ) a car race near our town every year. In 1995, there was (be的适当形式 ) a very big race. My wife and I were (be的适当形式 ) at the race. There were (be的适当形式 ) twenty cars in the race. There were (be的适当形式 ) English cars, French cars, ;German cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars. It was (be的适当形式 ) an exciting finish. The winner was (be的适当形式 ) Billy Stewart. He was (be的适当形式 ) in car number fifteen. Five other cars were (be的适当形式 ) just behind him. ;2. Grammar;;;;;New patterns;;on the .;;;There be ;;;;;;;be 动词口诀;summary;Lesson 69;Exercises P140; There is a car race near our town every year. In 1995, there was a very big race.;;There is (be的适当形式 ) a car race near our town every year. In 1995, there was (be的适当形式 ) a very big race. My wife and I were (be的适当形式 ) at the race. There were (be的适当形式 ) twenty cars in the race. There were (be的适当形式 ) English cars, French cars, ;German cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars. It was (be的适当形式 ) an exciting finish. The winner was (be的适当形式 ) Billy Stewart. He was (be的适当形式 ) in car number fifteen. Five other cars were (be的适当形式 ) just behind him. ;;


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