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关于简单英语故事精选 The Austere Governor A Governor visiting a state prison was implored by a convict to pardon him. 州长在视察一所州管监狱时,有个罪犯哀求州长宽恕他。 “What are you in for?”asked the Governor. “你犯了什么事?”州长问道。 “I held a high office,”the convict humbly replied,“and sold subordinate appointments.” “我曾经是个高级官员,”犯人低声下气地回答,“因为向下级卖官。” “Then I decline to interfere,”said the Governor, with asperity,“a man who abuses his office by making it serve a private end and purvey a personal advantage is unfit to be free. By the way, Mr. Warden,”he added to the official beside him, as the convict slunk away,“in appointing you to this position, I was given to understand that your friends could make the Shikane county delegation to the next State convention solid for the present administration. Was I rightly informed?” “那样的话,我绝不会管你的事情,”州长严厉地说,“为达到个人目的、牟取私利而滥用职权的人不应该得到自由。顺便说一下,监狱长,”当那个罪犯偷偷溜走时,他接着对身旁的那位官员说,“我在任命你担任这个职务时,得知你的朋友能让西科恩县参加下届州会议的代表团支持本届政府。我得到的消息准确吗?” “You were, sir.” “是的,州长先生。” “Very well, then, I will bid you good-bye. Please be so good as to appoint my nephew Chaplain. “那么,很好,我该向你道别了。请别忘记任命我的侄子为牧师啊。” the purse of gold a beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. opening it, he discovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold. then he heard a merchant shout,“a reward! a reward to the one who finds my leather purse!” 一个乞丐在集市捡到了一个别人遗失的皮钱包。他打开钱包一看,发现里面有100枚金币。这时,他听到一个商人大声叫喊:“有重谢啊!谁发现我的皮钱包有重谢啊!” being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying,“here is your purse. may i have the reward now?” 乞丐很诚实,走过去把钱包递给商人说:“这是你的钱包吧,我现在可以得到重谢了吗?” “reward?”scoffed the merchant, greedily counting his gold.“why, the purse i dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. youve already stolen more than the reward! go away or ill tell the police.” “重谢?”商人一边贪婪地数着金币,一边嘲讽地说,“啊,我丢失的钱包里有200枚金币,你偷走的金币比我要给你重谢的还要多。走开,不然我要叫警察了!” “im an honest man,”said the beggar d


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