飞行人员英语阅读:Unit 5 Runways.ppt

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Unit 5 Runways 飞行学院 wpcluke 上海工程技术大学 Teaching Plan Composition of The Text Part 1: The importance of the positioning and dimensions of the runways Part 2: The position of the runway relative to the prevailing wind Part 3: Parallel runways Part 1: The Importance of the Positioning and Dimensions of the Runways Aircraft characteristics and requirements : 1.Weight 2.Landing and take off speed under different conditions 3. Wing span Part 2: The Position of the Runway Relative to the Prevailing Wind(盛行风) The climate and geographical location of a particular airport will dictate the overall weather pattern and the direction of the prevailing wind An ideal runway lies in line with the prevailing wind Cross wind(侧风) hampers landing and take-off Heathrows example Gatwicks example Heathrow Airport 希斯罗机场跑道 Gatwick airport Gatwick runway Part 3: Parallel Runways Most practical layout for twin runways lay them parallel Advantage: both can be used simultaneously O’Hare’s example grammar Contend:竞争;斗争;争辩 E.g: a hundred schools of thought contend. 百家争鸣 To contend with:向… …作斗争 E.g: john has to contend with great diffficulties. 约翰得与那些艰难困苦作斗争。 They have to contend with draught every year 他们每年都得与干旱做斗争 In line with:与… …一致;符合 E.g: 1.His ideas on politics are exactly in line with mine. 他的政治见解跟我的完全一致。 2.Our counter offer is in line with the international market. 我方的还盘与国际行情是一致的。 Compensate:补偿;抵消;弥补  Compensate for  Eg:To compensate for his unpleasant experiences in hospital, the man drank a little more than was good for him.  为了补偿他住院期间的不愉快的经历,这个人喝多了一点酒。  Nothing can compensate for the loss of ones health.  一个人失去了键康是不可弥补的。 * 1.Technical terms 2.Abbreviations and acronyms 3.Get familiar with runway 4.Grammar Runway length Space of taxi ways and parking area Back Back Back 沥青铺成 3,658米(12,001英尺) 09L/27L 沥青铺成


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