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托福核心词汇 概述 ambition nutrition pest ponderous ambulance drain evil limb limp chill legend dearth innocent isolate routine prospect prospective perspective retrospect introspect circumspect 相同 com- co-author co-founder co-exist community communication collaborate cooperate corporate corporation communal concentrate coordinate comprise compose constitute consist context compromise commemorate 1 colleague compassion companion correspondence correspondent congestion consolidate coincide sym- sympathy symbiosis synonym synthesis synchronize 否定 dis- dislike distrust discover discourage disabled disease disadvantage disappear discount disorder disorganized disgraceful disarm disband disclose disregard disinterested uninterested dispiriting disqualify indispensable in- immature impatient imperfect impolite impure impartial inactive 2 inexperienced insincere inconvenient insignificant inadequate insufficient immoral immortal incapable incompetent inequity indifferent invertebrate illegal illogical irregular irresponsible irrelevant un- unofficial unconscious unmanned unfold unlock unload unearth uncover unemployment unbiased uncompromising counter- counter-clockwise counter-productive counterpart counterfeit countercurrent counteract counterbalance anti- anti-government anti-violence anti-science anti-virus anti-authority antifreeze 3 anti-pollution antibiotics antibody antidote contra- contrast contrary controversy controversial contradict pro- be prone to pros and cons protagonist mis- misunderstand mislead mistake misapply misuse ill-timed ill-treat ill-mannered illiterate nonprofit nonprofessional nonviolence Ill-management non-renewable resources 贬损 de- degrade deform decline decrease descend destruct construct instruct obstruct devastate demolish debris detrimental deplete 4 decode deforestation denounce delicate deceive mal- maltreatment malicious malfunction malnutrition malpractice 重复 re- refine reproduce restore retrieve resign recount replenish refresh reimburse re


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